Need your advice/ suggestions/ recommendations :)


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I finally got back into fish keeping again! and I'm pretty excited. I'm cycling my 20g at the moment (and kind of regretting a bit not to start up my 30g instead ;/ oh well this will do for now) Anyway, so I'm still deciding on what fish to have in my tank and I'm kind of thinking of having 1 angelfish, 2 german blue rams and 6 cardinal tetras. I'm really hoping to add a couple of oto cats or corydoras, but I have a feeling that I will be overstocking. I do want some type of bottom feeder(s), if that's feasible!

Please let me know what you guys think and feel free to suggest other fish I can have!

(and yes, adding them one at a time not all at once!)
Thank you in advance!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
i think an angel may outgrow the tank. as for being overstocked i think that is pushing the limit. as for the cory cats i think a few would do fine, or some kuhli loaches.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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Should I just scrape te idea of an angelfish? (dammmmm!) hmmmm. I had a feeling about the angelfish outgrowing my tank! What other fish can I have instead of the angel? I do like a little bit of color and a good wee-size that can be held by my tank.......

Ps: kuhli loaches are pretty nice as well, how many should I get if I do get them? I've never really had one before. I've had Corydoras and otocats before.....I'm just considering something different!

Thank u again in advance! :D


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I'm not 100% sure if the angel will outgrow the tank. I've never kept angels myself. as for the loaches they do best in a group. i had 3 in my 20 gallon. also provide lots of hiding spots for them. the more places they have to hide the more they are out and about. they will feel secure everywhere in the tank. can be anything from caves to plants. If u look at my signature u will see my stocking. i would say a school of about 10 neons, 3-4 kuhli loaches, small pleco like a clown or bushy nose, 1-2 cory cats, something to that nature. or u could say do a heavy planted tank and do 5-6 apistograma and 5 or so neons with a couple cory cats.

There are so many different fish and combinations it's realy hard to say what all u caould do lol. also there are many fish I have never heard of. for instance i just discovered the apistogramma about a month ago and had to get some lol.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I remember asking a similar question when starting up my 29g. 29g might be about the smallest tank size you'd want for an angle or two. A 37g would be better (taller).

Still TONS of options of a 20g though. Lots of fancy tetras out there for a school, a gourami, etc..


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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Thank you soooooooOOOOOO much for all the feedback! I had a pearl gourami when I was starting, and she lasted a long time! :) I'm just itching to have something a bit different! (though that's still an option).

Exhumed07 - I gotta say I love your recommendation of that apistogramma. I looked it up, and they look like the german blue ram, but just a bit more colorful with bigger fins! Now my question is, I suppose they aren't exactly a schooling fish, but I do have to keep a male and two females to keep them happy? is that right? I do like this fish and I may just switch the rams for apisto. I'm just doing a bit of research about them. Apparently they can get territorial, so I don't know if 20g is big enough if I have to keep them in three's.....

I'll do a final list in a bit, as I get a better idea of what stock I should get! I'm getting FAR too excited all I can think about all day is fish! LOL :D

Thank you guys!


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
as long as there are plenty of hiding spots and a complex environment such as lots of plants they will do just fine in a group of 2-3 males and 4-6 females. they will do fine in a pair in a larger tank but in a smaller tank to reduce agression towards a single female they are best in a larger group. 2-3 females to 1 male. much like african cichlids. then the females will not tolerate any other fish near her nest or young if they spawn.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
30 gallon would be better but like i said as long as there are plenty of places to hide from any agression between them they will do fine in a 20 gallon. bigger is always better for every fish though. so best to setup the largest tank that u can either afford or have room for.


Small Fish
Apr 8, 2004
Richmond, BC
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I know I'm completely kicking my arse for not setting up my 30g! arrgghhh lol ah well I shall get to that in the future!

But I think right now, I am super interested in small cichs. Last question, I PROMISE! lol but do you think I'm slightly crazy for even considering this?

1 krib
1 keyhole
1 apisto

in a 20g with lots of hiding places? eeekkk... or is that a total NO NO?

thank u! :D


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
with those 3 i don't see any issues myself. lots of crypts and other low growing plants will work out great. u can go with to many plants, open space is very important in any aquascape. But it can be done very well. you can look on google or youtube for aquascaping a 20 gallon tank for ideas.