I finally got back into fish keeping again! and I'm pretty excited. I'm cycling my 20g at the moment (and kind of regretting a bit not to start up my 30g instead ;/ oh well this will do for now) Anyway, so I'm still deciding on what fish to have in my tank and I'm kind of thinking of having 1 angelfish, 2 german blue rams and 6 cardinal tetras. I'm really hoping to add a couple of oto cats or corydoras, but I have a feeling that I will be overstocking. I do want some type of bottom feeder(s), if that's feasible!
Please let me know what you guys think and feel free to suggest other fish I can have!
(and yes, adding them one at a time not all at once!)
Thank you in advance!
Please let me know what you guys think and feel free to suggest other fish I can have!
(and yes, adding them one at a time not all at once!)
Thank you in advance!