Needing a new Filtration System....

Oct 1, 2011
Columbia, MO
Hey all,

I have a 95 gallon tank with a Penguin BioWeel 350. BUT, one of the wheels isn't turning, and I am shopping for a new filter system.

Any reccommendations/ suggestions for an ideal one? Thank ya!


Superstar Fish
Those bio wheel filters are pretty good. they have good media but most important they provide a place for beneficial bacteria to grow. i have great luck on my freshwater tanks with the marineland emperor 400 bio wheel and the filstar xp3. I run this set-up on my 75G, 125G, and 150G. My brother on the other hand uses the Aquaclear 110 and a single bio wheel filter on his 50G African tank and has great success with this set-up. I would recommend keeping the filter you have and add a large Aquaclear filter. I am sure the bio wheel 350 can be repaired with replacement parts. Most newer type 350's have replaceable inserts that the bio wheel turns on. Also you might clean the impeller and intake tube as these can get a build up of waste on them and slow the flow down which may be preventing the wheel from turning. Even if the wheel does not turn its still working to create a place for bacteria to grow.

Oct 1, 2011
Columbia, MO
That sounds like a really good idea, my gf said she already took a look at the wheel and that one of the axis thingies it sits on isn't spinning. I could replace that part and then complement the filter with another....

....What do you think about canister filters? Im kind of interested in the Fluval 405 or the Eheim Professional II. They have expensive replacement parts, but everybody says they run extremely well and effectively. What are your (anybody's) thoughts on this?

going bonkers :confused: need a new filter!


Superstar Fish
I have had good luck with my canister filters. That is what my filstar xp3's are. However my brother uses that aquaclear 110 and his nitrates are always really low and we both have a comparable fish load. I really think the sponge in the aquaclear is the reason for this. Since the sponge does not have a forceful flow through it the bacteria uses the oxygen up and starts to feed on the nitrates which is very desirable. I like the canister filters because they really move a lot of water. I am a firm believer that you should have 2-3 times the filter they recommend.

Oct 1, 2011
Columbia, MO
Alrighty then! I looked at the filstar xp3. How far will the hosing reach? The top of my tank is 5 feet (+/- some inches) from the ground because it is on a stand. Are you happy with that filter? just trying to get as much information as possible.

im gettin really "pumped" about the Fluval 405.

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Superstar Fish
Its ok, it does a good job of hosting the beneficial bacteria (I added bio balls to two of the trays) and keeping the water clean. It has long hoses in the package it should reach with no problem, mine is 50" to the top and I have slack in the hoses. I am leaning toward getting an aquaclear 110 due to my brothers low nitrate levels. I will keep the xp3 still for the flow. The Fluval 405 is real nice as well, both are at about 350GPH.