Neglected Betta

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
My sister is concerned about a Betta named Fishy her co-worker keeps at work. Jen her Co-worker had another Betta before Fishy and Angie said she Never cleaned the 3/4 gallon bowl. Angie & Jen are not friends and Jen does not like to be told what to do even given just advice. Ben (the previous Betta) died, my sister said he fell apart! My guess is extreme tail rot:(

Right after Ben Jen got Fishy, Angie watched the water go toxic and couldn't take it anymore, she snuck the Betta home where I gave his bowl an extreme make over, I cleaned his bowl, I gave him new gravel it was just too filthy to clean. I actually felt sick by the smell as I cleaned the bowl! No wonder fishy was not eating properly. I gave Fishy clean water, new gravel, a little cave and a silk plant (Nothing was in the bowl except gravel) and put in some aquarium salt and some bio-coat and stress zyme. Angie brought Fishy back to work and I gave some quick tips on good fish care. Unfortunately Jen never followed them she just said thanks for the help. Angie suggested a little filter but Jen said it is too much trouble. So now every two weeks, Angie sneaks Fishy home for care and he is brought back to work without Jen knowing. When I first treated his water the Ammonia was off the chart now when I test it before I clean the bowl every two weeks the Ammonia is very close to zero and has a low level of nitrates. Angie overheard Jen talking to another co-worker and she said that she fed Fishy every few days or when she remembers, so my sis feeds him a little when she goes in work. Angela asks why she lets the water get so dirty and Jen says they like to live in mud puddles! There should be a law against people like her in owning any fish whatsoever. I think she has a betta at home for 5 years so I hate to see how that poor guy is living for so long.

Is my sister and I doing the right thing by taking care of Fishy without Jen's knowledge? I know Fishy thinks so but are we encouraging her that on thinking the way she neglects Fishy is the proper way of fish care? I know if we stop Fishy will end up like Ben. But here is the big problem. In May my sister is leaving for different work so what will happend to Fishy? We are deciding on taking him but do not want Jen to get another Betta to torment. Any suggestions..

Sep 8, 2005
Shame on "Jen". Really bad Karma for her. I would take care of the betta for as long as you can. Does not seem as though "Jen" is going to learn and will probably continue her fish abuse. I would discretely drop a book on betta care on her desk and hope for the best.


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
How horrid of her!
I think you should continue cleaning out the bowl, for the fish's sake, but as long as "Jen" is okay with it. It is her Betta, and as much as I love fish, I wouldn't feel right "sneaking" it away.

And then I'd drop about a million Betta care books, fish books, magazines, internet printout everywhere :) Has she tried getting the other co-workers involved? Maybe if they started mentioning in and she was getting comments (er...concerns) from more than one person, she'd get the point.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Co-workers tried telling her basic important care. They even put stickers on the bowl with large print: CLEAN ME if Jen cannot figure that out then she has a problem.

You should see Fishy's personaility when he stays at my home for the day Angie says he is like a totally different fish, he eats better and is very perky and makes bubble nests and interacts with us. It is very sad situation. He is a little red Betta and he has the potential of being a very pretty fish if given the chance.

Sep 8, 2005
I am not above lying to save the life of another creature {sorry mom}. Take the betta and damn the torpedoes. Tell her it died and you disposed of it to save her the heartache [ this requires a straight face ]. Then go to church ask for forgiveness say your Hail Mary's and go home to your fish.

Sep 10, 2004
Visit site
ninamarie, i think your betta fish is pretty. His fins are beautiful. He is very loved and taken care of very well. As far this betta fish, I say give your sister a betta for work, let her care for it so her co-worker can see how easy and fun it is to fishkeep. If your lucky, your sister's co-worker will pick up the "good habits" of maintaining a betta fish. Good luck!

i third the dead one swapping. is that possible, or does it stop at second? you should just go to walmart and ask if you can have a sead one. (i'm sure it wont be hard to find) just say its for a prank. then just swap it out. if she gets a new one just repeat the process a couple days later. make sure its really soon, so she doesnt think its old age.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
I think I am going with my sis's idea and going to swap fish. I'll keep my eyes open for a dead one in a shop. My sister might leave work before May so we have to find one soon. Even if we do not find a dead fish to exchange we will figure something out there is no waywe are going to leave him to "fall apart" like poor Ben. Angie wants to do it right before she leave the job so she does not give anything away when Jen is scratching her head at the bowl wondering how the fish died or perhaps evaporated (-: