Neolamp. multifasciatus with fry


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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I have 2f + 1m in a 20 gallon with 3 ocellatus and a syno petricola.

In the past week female 1 has been staying in her shell and not even venturing out at twice daily feeds. I had assumed this was evidence of her spawning. However, in the past 2 days she has been confined by the male UNDER her shell rather than in it and is still not feeding.

This morning I noticed fry under the shell of female 2. Does this explain female 1's behaviour entirely or is there an interruption in spawning activity for female 1? Should I be concerned for her safety if she continues to hide and not feed?

On a slightly different subject the females are now much darker in colour than the male - is this a typical sexual difference or is it brought on by spawning?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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Looking for the lesser of 2 evils then, either leave her where she is and monitor at feed times, or move her to another tank on her own (I have no spare males).

The Q tank has 8 cyp fry and 20 juli fry at the moment - I guess that she would be OK there for a while.......would a lone female try to establish a territory and at what poiint can she be returned?


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2003
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OK, will move her to the Q tank, so when can she move back to the shellie tank? I want to know how long the temporary relocation has to be for or whether we're talking about removal period? can add females to a male's territory so it must be OK to add her back at some point?