Neolamprologus Brichardi- Just got some :)

So yesterday while I was out, I stopped at my local fish store to peek around. I saw they had baby N. Brichardi and I had to get some. I was only able to buy 2 and they are in my 75G. Once I get more money I will go back and get more lol.
I was wondering if I can get some information on them(I know alot about them, but more info never hurts), good ways to sex them since it seems pretty difficult, and how to breed them. Thanks!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Cute little guys aren't they?? they are kind of like rabbits with breeding...I never really did figure out how to sex them :) If you have adult males and females they'll breed! Careful they are good parents and I'm not sure I'd mix them with non-cichlids...I want to do a species tank with them...maybe this winter.

Feb 27, 2009
I had a colony yrs ago, brings back memories. As far as telling their gender, its difficult. The males have a bit longer fins and are a bit larger, but other than that, they look alike. I could only tell when I actually SAW eggs being laid and fertilzed.

They do get quite territorial over their offspring and spawning area. I started them out in a 'community' cichlid tank and moved everyone else out to larger/safer quarters as they grew in size.

Interesting behavior, as all (adults and juvie alike) will tend to/protect fry.

One of them I know for a fact is a male. The other one's fins aren't as long and it isn 't as colorful as the male so maybe its a female? There still juviniles which makes it harder to tell.
There so funny :) they spend there time just staring at the cories and other catfish as if there wondering what the hell they are lol. I don't have my camera with me so its going to be some time before I can get pictures on here *crazysmil