Neolamprologus tretocephalus

Im in the process of tracking down this fish for my tank and I was wondering if a Neolamprologus Tretocephalus would do well in my current setup? This is such a cool looking cichlid and is brothers with my Brichardi so I know they will be compatible which is my main concern and I also figure since my Brichardi doesnt really bother my mbuna's or Blood Parrot I figured the Tretocephalus wouldnt either. If possible I might add two more Labs as well.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Fort Wayne, IN
your tank is already overcrowded as it is. The blood parrots can get pretty large, and the Pseudo will need a larger tank when mature as well.
Also, trets can be pretty nasty as far as attitude. I would just stick to what you have now till you get a larger tank.