Neon Tetra acting aggressivley


New Fish
Apr 22, 2012

Hoping someone can help me. We have just got our first aquarium - 42 Lt. We have only got 3 neon tetras at the moment as this is our first week. It seems that one tetra is definately bullying the other two. Is this normal? Is it because we need more tetras? Also could someone please advise what other fish we could put in that would go well with tetras?
Any advice would be gratefully received.


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; Though small they are tetras. I recently got five for a new tank and have observed some aggressive dicing between a couple of them. I have not seen any damaged fins and tend to put it to establishing a pecking order. My plan is to have several more before long as larger groups sometimes seem to get along and are more visually appealing. I had not kept them in several decades and now that the initial five are doing well find that I want to have a larger group.


Small Fish
Feb 25, 2012
New Hampshire, USA
Tetras are happier in a group of 5 or more, that way they can school properly and it makes it so it's not one against a couple if they are fighting. With that said, I have 6 neons and they sometimes chase each other around the tank and act very territorial, while other times they are very closely schooled. I just think that's how they are. However, if one tetra gets chased, nipped, and beat up to the point of frayed fins or it's always hiding, it might be time to either get more tetras to take the focus off him, or put him in a breeders net and let him heal.
As for tank mates, due to the size of your tank, most bigger fish are off the list. I would suggest looking at other tetras, keeping in mind the number of each species you need to keep them happy. You could also look at everything from shrimp to swordtails, mollies, and platies. Almost anything goes with neons, however stay away from long-finned, slow-swimming fish like betas as the tetras will nip up their fins.
Best of Luck!