Neon Tetra Disease.

I don't really know what to do. A neon tetra has - what i assume is - Neon tetra disease (some of her fins have little holes in them.. and they're some yellowy/white marks on her..). I, today, seperated her, and at the moment she is staying in a small jug.. I KNOW it's incurable.. But.. I just don't know what to do! :(

PS: Right now - I'm thinking of keeping her in the 'hospital tank' for the time being.. and seeing how she goes.. as far as i know - it could just be fin rot.. She isn't swimming oddly or anything - and seems to be one of my healthiest neons... perhaps she's getting bullied and is stressed?

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fin rot is usually a side effect of NTD. The yellow/white bumps on her (much larger then ick dots) are one sign of NTD. The other is a bent spine. This may not show up for a few days. It is vital that this fish be QTd. NTD can be very contageous. There apparently is a "false NTD" that Balloon Fish brought my attention to. This is viral and may be curable. If you find it worth the trouble you can add meds to the hospital tank to try and help the fish along.
I understand this desease starts by destroying organs in the fish, which means that by the time we see signs of it the fish may be beyond repair.
Are you cycling the tank with Neons?

Well - no, i'm not really cycling my tank with neons, it's quite confusing. It's a different tank. :)
I have separated the neon (a while ago) and got some fungal/fin rot cure (i looked up pictures and it looked the same as the little neon - which i've named: Hope :()... I added abit to the place she's staying and a little to the tank as well (just in case, though all the others seem fine, you never know!).. I have to add a little more each day and just see how it goes..


Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
As far as I know it's only contagious when the fish A:has a skin wound or B:dies.Having said that I suppose the fishes poo could also contain the parasite if the intestinal tract has been damaged.

It's transmitted via food. Unfortunately fish tend to eat each other when one dies. Plus they are always pecking on things floating in the water, so anything contaminated that they consume may cause them to contract the disease.
Good luck, and make sure that you follow the dossing directions. If you under-dose then you run a risk of making the bad things in the tank more resistant to future treatment.

Thanks all - luckily i think it's a fungal/fin rot infection - (perhaps shes being picked on). lol. I feel like a fool for worrying :eek: lol. She's still seperated and the white marks are vanishing rapidly... her fin looks a little better too :)
She seems a little lonely - but as she's getting better she'll have to deal with it! LOL - Here's a quite funny little story actually.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night (as you do) and seeing as i couldn't get to sleep i thought i'd check on the neon, i went other to the jug where she is and she looked DEAD :( I was so frightened. Most of her colour looked drained and she wasn't moving (i was half asleep, i didn't know whether or not she was moving or not)... I decided to wait till morning to sort it out. Morning came, i went to the jug and all her colour was back and she was as lively as ever! After searching the web abit i realised she was 'sleeping' :) LOL - All that worrying for nothing. I thought it was pretty darn funny.. Either that or she had awokened from the dead....

Fish Friend

Superstar Fish
May 29, 2005
lol yeah.. fish do 'sleep' but not as we do.. there pigmen cells expand to daylight and at night they go smaller so their colour fade... good to hear the neon is ok now.... keep up water changes and keep a good eye out and if you can.. raise the temp up a little bit to try and end the diseases life faster

I've posted this on a few other forums.. but i'd really like to know YOUR opinion. I have a tank which has an apple snail, 5 neon tetras (that mainly school) and a female betta (which hangs out with the snail and does her own thing).
Now - cutting out the middle man. Two days ago (well maybe less) i was admiring my tank, when i saw one of my neon tetras had like yellowy/whitey marks on her - i knew it wasn't ick.. and she also had on slightly ripped torn. She wasn't swimming oddly or anything, but instinctly i took her out of her tank and put her in a jug full of some water from the tank. I kept her there over night (last night) and she seemed perfectly heathy. I thought that perhaps she had Neon Tetra disease... I went straight to a pet shop and brought some fungal/fin rot solution and added it to the tank and the jug she was in. I added a small dose each day... Anyway, today, i decided she must be god damn lonely, and i couldn't stand keeping her in the jug anymore, so i put her in the tank and she's still fine... The marks on her have started to fade (i think they're tiny bite marks... they look like wounds). I've only recently brought her, so there's the possibility that she already had those marks when i brought her, i just hadn't noticed. (the marks don't look fresh or anything). Anyway - she's in the tank now with her friends, swimming around happily, eating... I think she was just getting bullied, so in a few days i'm getting a couple more neons, so that they don't pester eachother as much!
Do you think i was right to do as i did? (as in, put her back)... and do you think it is prbably just a wound mark too?
Her swimming is fine, like i said, she's one of the best neon swimmers i have actually
I'm just not sure...

Yeah i was thinking that... hmmmm - I'm going to get some 'company' for the betta... and some more tetras... i've realised why she probably 'attacked' the neon. I have like a bare tank (other than gravel, and a filter, etc!) and in the middle of the tank this wooden thing.. that's like a cave, and my betta hangs around it... and if any of the neons go in her particular spot (on the left) she nudges them outta the way.. so things probably got out of control.

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