Neon Tetra is fuzzy. Help!


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have 5 small Neon Tetra. One keeps hidden instead of schooling with other fish. Finally got a look at him and he looks like he has white fuzz on side and dorsal fin.

It also looks like it could be a scar? Just a difference in color? Is this possible?

At Phil Andersons site he says neon tetra are sensitive to malacite green. The fungus treatment I found has malacite green. What else can be used?

Plistophora (neon disease) is a bacterium right? Any opinion on copper sulfate? Or what would you suggest?

Oct 22, 2002
Silver Spring, MD
i have seen that on my neons too i would like to know what is it
i was thinkin itwas some type of fungus but not sure i've used anti fungal stuff and it seemsto go away but later on it'll return
i do notice that my neons would kinda pair up and nip at eachotherstail fin area so this might be whats causing it
i'm  not sure ifi i'mm right but does make sense


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
See if the fin looks like its been nipped by other fish. Fish fins have white fuzzy look when nipped, by say a tiger barb. My Marble Hatchetfish had this when I HAD tiger barbs. If it looks like its getting worse or is really physically fuzzing or puffing, then it made be fungus. *crazysmiley*


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
If you recently got neons, and didn't see it before, then it could be fungus. If you just never seen it before & don't know if the tail was like that before, it could be ammonia burn on its fin. Neons are bagged 1000 at a time when shipped. Ammonia will burn the fins of fish if not removed from shipping package ASAP when wholesalers or stores get them. If this is the case the tail will grow back on its own. I recently got some Glowlite tetras and didn't notice that two of them had slight fin errosion with a fuzzy appearance. I asked my friend who wholesales fish and he told me it was ammonia burns from sitting in bags too long. He told  me it grow back. Its almost completely healed after 1 month. But, this is just a comment about what I encountered with what you are describing. You may something different ::)