Neon Tetra questions

Oct 22, 2002
I noticed one speck on the dorsal fin of one of the neons. It doesn't look like Ick, since it is smaller and clear color, but I am not sure what it is. I think maybe its natural.

All the neons are pretty happy, the colors are bright and they are not as shy as when I got them 3 weeks ago.

Also, my female neons are getting bigger, are they pregnant? Would they have to breed or I can leave them happy as they are?

Also, I have 11 neons, if they do lay eggs, how do I keep the eggs from being eaten?

Oct 22, 2002
I believe tetras are egg scatterers, so you would have to remove the eggs to a breeding tank if you wanted to hatch them.  If you have boys and girls nature will take its course, but you may never see babies, especially if they are in a community tank (they get eaten).  The parents don't take care of the babies.
Watch the neon with the growth carefully.  fish  can get little benign tumors, one of my rummies had one for a while then it went away.

Oct 22, 2002
Thanks for your reply.

yeah, the tank has 11 neon tetras and one dwarf gourami. If they start laying the eggs, I will take out the gourami and join my second tank. My main concern is if neons will cannibalize their young.

As for the ick problem, it turned out to be early case of ick. I changed water and place it back, and use ick cure but only at quarter of the dosage, and I left the carbon filter on. The next day the one little speck is gone.