Well, since my other Neons died from disease, he's been alone for a while. This just started happening yesterday (11/2/11) and I don't know why. I'll try to get some more Neons as soon as possible (next weekend, not upcoming one), but my lfs is currently out of stock and the other places have sickly looking Neons. The Neon that I have is a Dwarf Neon (AKA not Jumbo Neon). Should I get some more small ones or try and get some of the bigger ones?? Also, do I have to get Neons?? I have nothing against them, but I want some variety. Maybe in a bigger tank. I'll just get 4 more Neons for now. If I get a bigger tank going, I want to put 1 or 2 Angels in there (hopefully same gender or they don't form a pair, or else I'll get rid of one) anda variety of Tetras. Probably some Bleeding Hearts, Black Neons, Cardinals, and some Red-Eyes. I really need variety, but my dad wants me to get (surprisingly with my own money, jerk) a 5g with some Tiger Barbs. 1) Would that be enough space for them?? 2) Don't I need at least a school of 5-6 to prevent a lot of aggression?? He fell in love with them when he saw them in the tank next to the Neon Tetras. As I was getting my 5 1/2 inch neons, he asked if we could get those. Me and the manager gave him a funny/dirty look and he just stared at us, puzzled. I had to explain why we couldn't get them. Now he wants to have a small tank with them in it in the center of the coffee table. What a persisntant, but greedy man. He wants me to spend my money on this. I told him the costs and he said that he would buy the fish, which are $2.99 each.