neons not sticking to together and fish generally stick to one side of the tank.

Nov 5, 2009
so ive been noticing for awhile this new group of neons dont often "school" in the way that i'm used to seeing with these guys. i didnt think much of it at first and thought they were just getting used to the new aquarium and tankmates but even after about 2 weeks they still dont school. i mean they stay within seeing distance of each other but my previous neons definitely schooled more than these guys. is that normal? they're eating normally and are active.

secondly, one side of my tank is more decorated than the other, specifically theres a big artificial african sword in one corner. it seems like thats where all the fish in the tank hang out and it looks crowded. coincidentally (or maybe not) its also the side opposite the heater. is it just because they feel safer with more cover or could it be too hot? i keep the tank around 76. at night it sometimes will drop down to around 74.

Tanks current occupants:
5 Neon Tetras
2 Ottos
1 Albino Cory
1 Panda Cory
1 Dwarf Gourami
3 snails (2 of which i think are dead or dying. been acting really weird)

Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
I've noticed also that in small numbers my cardinals don't really bother schooling. However recently as my kribensis are more aggressive as they are breeding my cardinals have started to school religiously. If you have more of them or they are threatened they will school ( should school)