What is the minimum number of Neons that would work in a 29 gal. community with 3 Oto, 3 Pygmy Cory, 3 Amano Shrimp, 3 MTS, 1 SAE, 2 Rams, 2 Betta, 2 Three-lined Pencil Fish. I was thinking of Neons, White Clouds and Glowlights. Moderately planted with mixed Anubias, mixed Crypts, Vals, and Java Fern. There will also be Echinodoras bleheri, E. tennelus, Mondo Grass, Sunset Hygro and Sagittaria subulata. Dark substrata (Fourite & Onyz Sand with dark, fine gravel) and 2 x 6,500 K, T8 Trichromatic lights. I'm struggling with this concept, so any help will be appreciated.