Nerite Snails


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
Hello All,

So I recently got two zebra nerite snails to combat the algae in my tanks. But now I have all these white eggs (from the snails) all over the place so I was wondering how I can get rid of these?

I did know that they would lay eggs I just didn't think they would be so noticeable....


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
They can still lay eggs in fresh water, they just won't hatch or be viable unless they're in brackish water.

Take a clean credit card (or other flat piece of plastic) and scrape them off the glass and wherever they are. Viola, clean tank again. Nerite snails are one of the few snails that have males and females (most snail species can be either, or even change gender as needed...nerites are one or the other, they don't switch), so you may have gotten "lucky" and gotten a male and a female. ;)

Any kind of scraper will work, or one of those magnet cleaners (that's what I use). I remember the first time it happened I only saw them on my plants so I freaked out wondering what it was. Now I am always amused because Newman likes to refer to it as a star galaxy, it totally looks like one too!

But they come off WAY easy, even a soft brush that won't scratch your glass will work.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
if you don't want to use or don't have a credit card then you can purhcase flat pieces of plastic for scraping windshields for about 25-50 cents.

Also if you have more than one tank you can always move one snail to a different tank.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
2 misconceptions from FWM

1. plecos wont eat the eggs, they are way too calcareous and probably not even worth eating for the carnivorous pleco varieties (gold nugget and stuff liek that.)

2. Nerites are gonochoristic. not hemaphroditic.

also a female nerite will lay those eggs regardless of there being a male in the tank or not. I have one female ruby nerite left, she still lays her eggs -_-


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I have separated the two snails but like Newman said they lay eggs regardless.
It's more the eggs on the plants and driftwood that is going to be a problem to remove, but if they are easy to remove then it won't be so bad!!

Thanks for the advice everyone!!