Never Actually introduced myself!

Dec 5, 2002
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Hi all, I never actually introduced myself so here goes

I'm Niki, From a small town in Illinois. I am 21, married and a homemaker. Besides my fishys I have 2 Labs and 2 cats.

As for fish, I've had them for forever lol, mom always had em at home. Then my first tank away from home was a 20 gallon I stole from mom. Had a couple goldfish and a pleco.

Now I have a 55 gallon tank, and I realize how dumb I was with my goldfish because I didn't even know test kits exsisted. Go figure they lived for about 6 years.

In my tank now I have....
1 sm pleco ( but growing very fast)
3 albino corys, 2 panda corys, 3 juli corys
2 snails (The aliens put them there cause i didn't lol)
group of neons
5 scissortail rasboras
6 Hal Rasboras
1 male betta
2 black tetras
2 blueberry tetras ( bought them b4 i knew they were injected, never would have other wise, i am sooo against that.)
2 red eyes tetras

oh and i have a 10 gallon tank with an African Clawed Frog, Herk, hes in my avatiar pic

I have a 200 watt marineland heater, an UGF ran by 2 170gph powerheads, a HOB aquatech (penguin) filter 330gph, and not much for lighting. regular darker blue rounded gravel. Have a few live plants that will probably not last long becuase of lighting probs. Got some drift wood in there and fake plants. Also have a underwater light setup. one laser light and 3 regular colored lights. (looks nice at night)


Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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oh well nice to meet you all too, guess i forgot i posted this,

and yes that my African clawed frog Herk, he is something else. Use to have him in my 20 gallon community, he liked to jump outta that. Once i thought i lost him for good, found him in a puddle of water in the basement 6 months later, can u belive that? Now hes got his own 10 gallon, totally covered tank :) he was a litle weird and shy at first for being gone so long but hes back ot his normal self now!

and ya i'm married, think i just got lucky........ reeled him right in.................... SUCKER lol!

Don't feel bad Colesea, my sister is 25 and single, just hasn't found the right guy yet :( hope you both do soon! CAn't imagine not being married! Who would pay for my fishys???

Vyache, a red tailed catfish hmmm i don't think i know what that is, but now i have to go find out....... lol


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Somonas and Dattack, you to crack me up! Thank you very much you are very sweet.

Welcome Niki. Seriously, I can't imagin what it would be like to be married. All my friends are married now too, and, well, I don't get it. Why would you want to share living space with somebody who doesn't know how to clean up after themselves?


Small Fish
Dec 31, 2002
Wales, UK
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Share the living space with some-one who clears up after you- that was my plan !!!
Only drawback is I'm sure my wallet used to be bigger and my wardrobe A LOT smaller.....
I think 6 months is a good period for a relationship till you hit 30 '-)


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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I know how you feel bathtub it's the same way in my house and I'm not even married yet as you know. Being engaged for 6 years is the same as being married, just a preview. But I can't lie I do get all the toys I want. OH and welcome Niki



Large Fish
Dec 5, 2002
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LoL you guys!

I don't mind picked up after the hubby. I mean I'm a homemaker. So i get all say to jack around and do whatever I please. Hubby thinks it takes all day to clean and cook and such, bu ti got him fooled! I'll take being a maid over working anyday!

I use to think that i would could never imagine being married, now i can' imagine not being married lol go figure!


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Divorced now too...*snork* yeah, I wonder about that. It's hard to meet a person these days who hasn't been married, once, twice, a million times.

Engaged for six years? Oh come on now Rider! That's like drinking decaff coffee! What the hell is the point of being engaged if you're not going to get married within that year? I'd rather be dating someone for six years and break up, than engaged for six years and have a broken promise! I was enaged, once, for three months. Neither of us were prepared to committ, but he asked anyway (a total suprise to me, completely blindsided), and like a fool I said yes anyway, and three months later we were like 'see ya' and following different paths through life. I still have the ring. Offered to give it back twice, he wouldn't take it.

Guess, worst come to worst and I really need cash I could pawn it somewhere.