new 10 gal tank

Aug 22, 2005
yes i am new to this and was wondering how many guppies can i put into this tank. for christmas i am getting my daughters a 55 gal tank so how many would i be able to put in this tank also. i want to breed them and have more but if i do not have room for all the babies what do i do with them. i do not want them to die or get eaten by the fish in the tank of be fed to bigger fish on purpose any help would be greatly apreciated :confused:


Superstar Fish
Oct 31, 2003
Nottingham, UK
well you could have a hell of a lot of guppies in a 55g, anything from 30 to 50 is my guess at a good number. however guppies breed very easily, and if you start with this mayny fish you tank will quickly become overun with little guppy fry. i'd say that you should start with something like 10 females, and 5 males. this would help keep track of things, as these fish will breed a lot. the parents will eat some of the fry, but with so many fish its highly likely that a large group will survive. when you've got too many fry than you will need to ask your local fish shops if they will take some of your hands.

Aug 22, 2005
have a 2.5 gal tank set aside to put some of the babies in so i can hand pick a few of the ones i like maybe get a more beautiful color from them a pet stor that is about 30 min away today told me that when the babies get old enough to call them and see if they have room and they will take some from me. i have a few friends and family that said they would take a few but they can only take so many because they have small tanks also. i most likely will get another tank in a couple of weeks if hubby will let me lol. i really apreciate all the info u gave me. i do not want to many because i do not want any to die because of not having enough room. if there is anything else i might need to know about these fish info would be deaply apprecaited and again thank you for the help.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
Visit site
I have 2 males and 2 females in a 30 gallon tank. Its been about 2 months, and I have about over 25 fry so far. Some are almost as big as the adults already. In my case, its a guppy/cory cat tank, and the parents do not seem to eat the baby fry.

Species-specific tanks can be a lot more fun than just a variety tank with mixed types - but be prepared to part with your babies if you have to.

In my case, I have Sid & Sam (my Tiger Oscars) who 'help' me with large population issues!

If you are going to breed for fish store pets, be sure to get matching pairs o colors so the children are more consistant in coloration - fish stores like that stuff.