I know that this has become a recurring theme in this thread about starting a new 10 gallon in the past few days, but I thought Id just make a list of the stuff that I was thinking of buying or already have and see what you guys think of how it will be/work.
I currently have a 10 gallon freshwater that I am contemplating tearing down and starting a small nano FOWLR tank or Live Rock and a few corals. I was thinking of using the following items:
Lighting: http://www.hellolights.com/201xcoaqpcho.html, I want to order this and just use it with the legs and go with a open top tank. Im pretty sure that it was a total of 96 watts and figured this would work well if I want to try my hands at some corals, right?
Filters: I was thining of ordering this package of Live Rock http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=1949 as a bioliogical filter. Is just having the live rock with sand (not live sand, play sand) enough filtration, do I need mechanical filtration?
Water Movement: For water movement I plan to use the penguine 170 biowheel that is currently on the 10 now and just take it off take everything out (media, biowheel) everything and just clean it out and pretty much just start it over, and use it as strictly water movement which I think is good 17 gph on the tank is nice. I want to use a small powerhead for additional water movement directly on the tank http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=12075&N=2004+22788 so I would probably use this one, since its nice and compact.
Salt: I would just pick up a hydrometer and a bag of salt and setup the sand inside of the tank and mix the sand to the right specifications of salinity then put my live rock in (after recurring it in another tank)
Heater: I have a 25 watt heater in the freshwater tnak now that keeps it at a steady 80 degrees, so I think that it will do for the salt tank.
Ill just keep it at this for now and ask some questions I have after I research some more. Thanks in advance for any help.
I currently have a 10 gallon freshwater that I am contemplating tearing down and starting a small nano FOWLR tank or Live Rock and a few corals. I was thinking of using the following items:
Lighting: http://www.hellolights.com/201xcoaqpcho.html, I want to order this and just use it with the legs and go with a open top tank. Im pretty sure that it was a total of 96 watts and figured this would work well if I want to try my hands at some corals, right?
Filters: I was thining of ordering this package of Live Rock http://www.liveaquaria.com/product/prod_Display.cfm?pCatId=1949 as a bioliogical filter. Is just having the live rock with sand (not live sand, play sand) enough filtration, do I need mechanical filtration?
Water Movement: For water movement I plan to use the penguine 170 biowheel that is currently on the 10 now and just take it off take everything out (media, biowheel) everything and just clean it out and pretty much just start it over, and use it as strictly water movement which I think is good 17 gph on the tank is nice. I want to use a small powerhead for additional water movement directly on the tank http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=12075&N=2004+22788 so I would probably use this one, since its nice and compact.
Salt: I would just pick up a hydrometer and a bag of salt and setup the sand inside of the tank and mix the sand to the right specifications of salinity then put my live rock in (after recurring it in another tank)
Heater: I have a 25 watt heater in the freshwater tnak now that keeps it at a steady 80 degrees, so I think that it will do for the salt tank.
Ill just keep it at this for now and ask some questions I have after I research some more. Thanks in advance for any help.