New 10 Gallon Tank - Need help Picking Out Fish

Aug 3, 2007
Hey guys. This is my first aquarium setup. I have been searching on starting an aquarium for a week nonstop. I have familiarized myself with starting and maintaining an aquarium very well, and I think it's about time I start getting my fish. I am planning to get my 3 fish tomorrow to start the cycling process. According to websites and their recommendations, these fish are very hardy fish:

-Upside-Down Catfish
-Cherry Barb
-Zebra Danio

I am hesitant about this selection because some websites say this is a good combination, but others say it's not or they're not compatible with each other. Along with helping me with my situation, could you make some recommendations? I really appreaciate your time reading this article.

P.S. : I'll be writing a lot on this forum.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Welcome to the forum :) For a 10g I'd suggest getting about 3 zebra danios or 3 cherry barbs for your cycle if you have decided that you're going to do a fish-in cycle. Then after the cycle is complete you can slowly add any additional fish. (if you haven't read about a fishless cycle, check the stickies at the top of the beginner forum for more info on that)

As for those three fish...I'm not positive on the USD Cat...but Im pretty sure they need more room to swim in than a 10. Danios are usually happier with more room too, but will be ok in a 10. The USD Cats and Danios really like to be in groups of their own a 10 isn't real big for a real 'group' of more than one type of fish. Cherry barbs aren't quite as active as danios and don't have to be in groups like the other two do. SO even though the three might get along, I wouldn't put them together in a 10 gallon.
I'd probably pick either the Danios or the barbs and go with them...and personally my favorites are the danios :)

Aug 3, 2007
I wasn't too sure of the USD catfish, but I thought it would be cool to have. Maybe when I upgrade tanks later on I will get the chance to have them. As for your recommendations about the 3 danios or 3 barbs, there is something that makes me like the danios better than the cherry barbs. I can't put my finger on it. Maybe its the activity. But back to the point. I would definitely be looking forward to having danios in my 10g. Are there any other danio types that you would recommend to have? Perhaps something more colorful. Thanks for your response.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
they are kinda cool lookin :) I like the danios because there's just something neat about a fish that is just so spastic :D I dunno.

All the different types of them are pretty similar, just different patterns, no real bright colors. You just want to try not to put long finned ones with short finned because they can be kinda nippy. There is a 'new' type of danio, celestial pearl danios, that you probably wont see cheap anytime soon. Very cool little fish and mostly wildcaught still. Last place I saw them wanted like $10 each instead of the usual 1.99.

Aug 3, 2007
I also need decor for my tank. Anything you recommend? I would like to avoid live plants until I either get a bigger tank or get more experienced in the aquarium hobby. I have heard these are hard to take care of.

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
You mentioned zebra danios and "colors," so here's another idea...
'GloFish'---they're essentially zebra danios which are available in fluorescent red, green, orange/yellow: said:
Scientists originally developed them several years ago by adding a natural fluorescence gene to the fish eggs before they hatched. Today's GloFish® fluorescent fish are bred from the offspring of these original fish.
The more I read about them on that site, the more intrigued I became.
Lots of interesting information in the "About GloFish" section on that site.



Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
BV, thanks for providing that link. I have seen GloFish and thought they came in only one color. I also had no idea that they would glow under a blacklight. Now I'm thinking about buying a 10 gallon and setting up a tank with blacklight only and stock it with these fish only for the bedroom. That should look pretty cool at night. Add some of those plastic glow-in-the-dark plants and that would look pretty cool!

Aug 3, 2007
Does anyone else have any suggestions on fish once I cycle. There so many variety of fish that it is extremely hard to choose. I am thinking of stocking no more than 6 fish once I finish cycling. I am also thinking of buying schooling fish that play well with danios if the danios survive. I am open to suggestions.


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Decor can be hard in a little tank...but if you dont want to venture into live plants yet, there are some very lifelike fake plants out there these days. I got some at petsmart in the pond section I think that are awesome. Everyone who sees my betta tank wants to know what kind of plant it is lol

Unfortunately, I dont know that I'd put another type of fish with the danios in that size tank. Danios aren't really the type to play nice with other fish unless they're rambunctious like danios. Tiger barbs would do well...but I dont think I'd keep them in a 10. You could try like a trio of spotted or julii corydoras with the danios after the cycle?? They'd stay out of each other's way I think

Aug 3, 2007
Thanks for the suggestions. I just got long finned zebra danios a few hours ago and they seem to enjoy the tank. As I was told, they are schooling together exploring the tank. It gives me pleasure seeing them be happy. I would hate to see them leave to the big tank in the sky.

Aug 9, 2007
Just my suggestion, but I found a female betta that goes very well in my danio tank (with 3 yo yo loach).

And since glo fish are nothing more than zebras, once you have cycled you can add a few of those with your long finned zebras and they'll school with them. I have two regular zebras and one pink, one yellow, and one green (who looks yellow to be honest).

Danios like to swim so much you don't want too much in the way of decorations, I have one rock formation and one fake plant. Also have a smaller live plant and a floating plant for the betta. So the danios have plenty of space to zip around, which they do.