New 10g tank, need simple advice


Small Fish
Jan 23, 2006
Hi all, I'm new to the forums and new to fish care. My girlfriend loves fish and got me interested in fish. Now I'm hooked, except a few newbie mistakes caused me to lose three mollies to new tank syndrome. Luckily, there's a wealth of information on these forums, so thank you in advance!

Like I mentioned I have a 10g tank with 6 red-eye tetras and 7 three-day old mollies. (one of my old mollies gave birth right before she died) I purchased a breeding net and the mollies seem to be doing well. I just have a few questions.

How often should I feed the baby mollies?

I think there may be few dead mollies in tank, should I try to remove them ASAP?

My tank water is a little on the green side. I guess this is due to the tank beginning the cycling process?

I was thinking about getting a fish that could help keep the tank clean. I heard ghost shrimp are good for that. Should I put one in the tank?

Any advice on decorating my tank to encourage the health of my new fish? The tetras are REALLY shy. Or just even for aesthetic value?

Here is a picture of my setup:

Any advice is appreciated, thanks!


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Dec 23, 2005
Well I have a 10 gallon and I think a ghost shrimp would be good for cleaning. If you know for sure they're dead then yes remove them, the tank is probably green becuase your plants are bright green so it is probably reflecting off the glass and making your water look green. Search for the feeding of the babies, I think that the plants and the decorations will let the tetras hide because mostly when fish are shy those are the ones that get chased or picked on. Otherwise you have a good tank!


Superstar Fish
Aug 21, 2005
Clinton, NY
You should be feeding the babies alot! I don't think you can really overfeed fry. They eat like crazy (and also make waste like crazy). Three small feedings a day should be alright, but that's kinda of up to your preference. What are you feeding them?

YES, remove any dead fish ASAP. It's not good at all to have dead fish in a tank for any period of time.

On the green side, you may have some algae growth or it may be the reflection as Smalltank stated. If the tank wasn't so new, I'd say get an Oto for your cleaning needs, but they're sensitive and the cycle wouldn't be good for one. I'd suggest two Cory cats instead of a Ghost Shrimp, but that's my opinion :)

For tank setup, I'd suggest a couple of plants. Nothing major, just maybe a few Swords here and there. I set up a 10 gallon tank for a friend of mine using a larger Sword plant and then 3 smaller ones and it looked great! The tetras can hide then and nip on the plants too.

Have you considered upgrading to a larger tank when your Mollies get bigger? Maybe a 20 gallon? I think you'll be okay for now though :)

Good luck! :D


Large Fish
Sep 25, 2005
New York, US
Take some tank water in a white cup and look at it in the light. If its green, then its an algea/bacteria bloom (not harmful), if its clear, then its the reflection.

Good luck...Oh, and i feed my newborn fry 4 times a day, on crushed flakes until they're big enough for different foods.


Small Fish
Jan 23, 2006
I now have 8 baby mollies, they just keep popping up! I'm not ready for such responsibility. hehe.

As for the water, it looks perfectly clear, so I think it's fine.

Thanks PlecoCollector for the upgrade suggestion. I'm feeding them TetraMin Tropical Flakes. And to be honest, I REALLY would like one of those pretty 100g + tanks. Unforunately I'm a University student and I can barely keep a 10g in my dorm. (Due to budget, space and time restraints.) :)

I also rearranged my setup a little, I like it a little better:


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