I have just started a new 10gallon FO Sw Tank and i have been running it for about 2 weeks.I have 2 filters running,Whisper 10i and a Aquaclear Mini i also got a heater kept at 79F all the time,i have mixed a whole box exactly for a 10gallon tank of Intant Ocean Sea Salt with about 6LBS of Crushed coral because i have heard the crushed coral will get the PH at a certain level but i dont know if i shoulda added the whole 10LBS bag so i just added half the bag just incase of anything,if anyone thinks i should just add the rest of the bag please tell me.Last but not least i have 2 great fish dat are real active and seem real healthy and never showed any sign of sickness ever since i got them,i have 2 damsels,a yellow tailed devil which i named Mr.Hype cuz he neva stays still and a 3striped damsel which i named CooKieZ'N'CrEem,Iam planning on getting 1 more fish and dat will ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE A FALSE PERCULA CLOWN FISH,iam planning on getting it some time this week or i dont know if i should wait till the 25th of july so my cyclying process has finished.PLEASE TELL ME IF IM DOING A GOOD JOB.................OH YA my salinity level is at 1.020 i dont know if i should lower it down too 1.018 or 1.016 cuz i have heard parasites cant live in low salinity levels but i dont know if the false percula clown fish and my 2damsels will be able to stay at that salinity level.