Jul 5, 2005
I have just started a new 10gallon FO Sw Tank and i have been running it for about 2 weeks.I have 2 filters running,Whisper 10i and a Aquaclear Mini i also got a heater kept at 79F all the time,i have mixed a whole box exactly for a 10gallon tank of Intant Ocean Sea Salt with about 6LBS of Crushed coral because i have heard the crushed coral will get the PH at a certain level but i dont know if i shoulda added the whole 10LBS bag so i just added half the bag just incase of anything,if anyone thinks i should just add the rest of the bag please tell me.Last but not least i have 2 great fish dat are real active and seem real healthy and never showed any sign of sickness ever since i got them,i have 2 damsels,a yellow tailed devil which i named Mr.Hype cuz he neva stays still and a 3striped damsel which i named CooKieZ'N'CrEem,Iam planning on getting 1 more fish and dat will ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO BE A FALSE PERCULA CLOWN FISH,iam planning on getting it some time this week or i dont know if i should wait till the 25th of july so my cyclying process has finished.PLEASE TELL ME IF IM DOING A GOOD JOB.................OH YA my salinity level is at 1.020 i dont know if i should lower it down too 1.018 or 1.016 cuz i have heard parasites cant live in low salinity levels but i dont know if the false percula clown fish and my 2damsels will be able to stay at that salinity level.


Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
yea you gotta keep that salinity higher (around 1.024) 1.018 is too low and will tend ot have a ill effect on cleaners.

The two filters your running do you have media in it? or are they just their for water movement without any media?

The crushed coral should do a little for buffering, do you have any live rock in the tank?

As for the damsels and flase perc, damsels tend to become aggressive and may cause problems with a perc in the tank, and you may have size issues on the 3 fish alone.


Large Fish
Oct 5, 2004
Visit site
Im assuming you cycled your tank with damsels currect? Because you metioned your two fish and then taht you were gonna get a fish when the cycle was complete. I also worry about the false perc and the damsels which are quite aggressive. A good more aggressive clown fish are the maroon ones i think.

Jul 5, 2005
yea i have media on my aquaclear mini and im using the whisper for water flow only,and i dont got no live rock or a cleaning crew in my tank yet but im thinking of getting 2shrimps and 2snails and probally a crab no live rock at all im doin a FO tank,my tank is cycling wit da 2damsels and when it finishes(3-4weeks from now)i will add my false percula