New 12g Eclipse Nightmare please HELP!!!

Sep 24, 2009
Hi guys, I am a newbie - but did my due diligence and read about tank cycling and proper tank maintenance.
Bought from Dr foster and smith:

1 .Marineland Eclipse 12 tank(lights and biofilter in the lid)
2. African driftwood decor
3. Water heater 50W
4. Colonize new tank additive
5. Stress coat.
6. some plastic plants.
7. 3g quarantine tank.
8. Aerator pump/tubing and air stone.
9. Tesk kit (strips)
10. Bottomfeeder pellets and TetraFeed flakes
12. washed gravel bag.

- so far so good
put about 2 inches of gravel, plastic plants, small castle, driftwood and
filled the tank with filtered water from Aquasana under counter water filter
Added a tea spoon of colonize.

- let it stand with running filter for 2 days.(I was happy - was a great little project for kids.)

- here where the nightmare begins.
Went to Petland Discount(Brookly, NY -3815 Nostrand Ave)
After discussing my setup with store manager(woman in mid 40s) - she suggested I get 4 Glowfish and 4 fancy guppies to cycle the tank. (When I asked her - isn't it too many fish to start off? - She just smiled - saying its a very tiny fish for my setup - and they will be just fine. )

I went through Drip - acclimation process - to get the fish in.

- Well - one female guppy developed puffy lips on second day and the other seemed to be gasping for air. In two days the were both dead... - I removed them immediately from the tank.

-Four days later both guppies Males developed an Ick on their tails.
- immediately I started salt water treatment for them.
In about two weeks, everything seemed back to normal - all of the fish was alive, and the tank was nearing its cycle.

I decided to replace two dead female guppies and get a placo to clean the bottom.
- Went to the same store - and got two female guppies and a whiptail placo.
The guy handling the fish in the store was a bit rough catching a guppy and did a small damage to the side of it - which I only discovered at home.

- One day later - I realized - that it was not a damaged tail but a Cottony patch on the tail of the guppy(I did not know about fungus yet. )

- in two days that guppy died with tail completely falling off -
after that most fish started dying one by one - even though I isolated originally infected guppy.

- In desperation I started Salt treatment on main tank and Isolated the placo which seems unaffected. Its been eight days now - (I was adding 2sp per gallon for 3 days) - only one guppy and one glowfish remains in the main tank still alive - (Glowfish seems to be blind and Guppy has a split tail with some indication of bacterial infection on the tail)

At this point - it seems that there is fungus patches on Driftwood, also water has distinct moldy smell - also on the inside of the tank whole glass seem to be covered in tiny 2mm white worm like creatures(they move).

WTF is going on??????? I read about some of the infections - but how am I getting them all at once?
What do I do at this point - Disinfect everything with vinegar and start a new?
What are those worms ? - how safe is this tank now? – I have kids at home Please help !!!


Medium Fish
Aug 14, 2009
yeah never buy from petland...they'll hire anyone and quickly fire them aswell. most of the time the fish are dieing there by the tank and no one has a clue whats wrong, petco is a little better then this but you should buy locally owned. the elcipse tanks are a rea; mess and overprice. i let me friend borrow mine and i got it back 3 months later and its smelled like piss....completely sickly stench. i think it how the tops are designed, maybe leave a inch of space clear from the top. but if its that bad, take you fish out n put them in another tank.
then clean and scrub and bleach the decorstions and finely rinse them, boil the drift wood and rocks.
thats an extreme, but if you have new things lving in te mold i would.

or do alot of water changes and try somethin from petland that treats funguses.

dont ever listen to the employees there...they get paid for whta you buy, not what helps you

Sep 24, 2009
It gets better

When I confronted the store manager - that they sold me fish infected with fungus and I want a refund - for the fish that died - she said - that if she gave refunds for all the dead fish she would never make any money in this business... I always wondered how do fish survive in that store in 10g tank - when there is about 50 of them in there.

Thanks for the advise – I was leaning towards starting from scratch now – does not look like much of a choice – unless I was planning to grow some exotic types for worms.
1. Do I need to boil things now – or can I use vinegar bath for everything?
2. What do I do with carbon filter and bio wheel?
3. What about surviving Pleco? How do I know he is not infected with anything – Parasites??? – Anything I can do to treat him – can’t find anything about their tolerance to salt… - Do I keep him to Cycle new tank?

Thank you for your advice.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2009
Oh, I am so sorry for you. What a horrible experience!! My suggestion is to start over. Personally, I would bleach the whole thing. I know bleach sounds bad for fish, but chlorine evaporates, so you it goes away. I would put the whole tank outside, fill it, add about a half cup of bleach. Leave it for 48 hours. Rinse it all like crazy with a hose. Let it dry out. Leave it outside for a few days. Rinse some more and start over.
Take the pleco back and leave it whether they give you your money back or not. 1) Plecos will get too big for that tank and they shouldn't have sold it to you in the first place unless its one of the few that stay small. My guess is it isn't. I have a pleco almost a foot long. And 2) You bought all those fish sick. I wouldn't trust the pleco.

On your next try, stay away from the glowfish in an uncycled tank. They're a touch sensitive. The guppies are a good choice, but get a few males only(4?). A trio of platies would be a nice choice to cycle your tank with also. I would just stick with all males so you don't have fry with either guppies or platies. These are small, colorful, active fish that are fun and hardy enough to cycle your tank with. However, they will breed like mad if you have females and you don't have room for babies in a 12g. You'll have to get rid of them, your kids will be upset, etc,etc. The males are prettier and the females in the store are already pregnant, so all females will not get you off the hook:)

Once the tank is cycled, add a few more fish- 5 or 6 cardinal tetras or glowfish. These tetras are both schooling fish that are happiest and healthiest in groups. They stay small amd will not breed on you.

Skip the bottom feeder or go with a single chinese algae eater. Pleacos are too big. Cory cats are little, but prefer groups of 6. You just don't have space. The combo of guppies and cardinal tetras will fill your tank with upper and mid level swimmers. This will look good with some plants on the bottom.

Good luck. Hang in there, you already got it as bad as it gets! I promise it gets better:) Your kids will appreciate it!

Sep 24, 2009

thanks so much for taking the time with your thorough and well thought out response.
I guess bleaching is what I will do. Will return the plecos as I cannot trust anything from this store.
Just have to be patient I guess – will give it one more shot.

Thank you again.

P.S. any thoughts on mini crabs (once the tank is cycled ofcourse)
Tropical Crabs for Freshwater Aquariums: Mini Crab


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
That crab as said, needs a pretty high pH. i really dont know if its really compatible with fish, but since it says peaceful, then you could try...
you would probably need to feed it special food (i know the crab's shell is mainly made of Chiton, but idk what supplement you will need to give it for proper healthy growth)

OK i have not tried this, but rather than getting fish from a LFS, some people report having a better survival rate from buying fish online, either from specific websites or breeders of the particular fish youre looking for.
just a suggestion.

Feb 27, 2009
Skip the bottom feeder or go with a single chinese algae eater. Pleacos are too big.
I agree that most plecos would be too large, but a bristlenose or rubberlip pleco might be ok. I would not recommend a Chinese Algae Eater, however. They get 6" or more and get very aggressive as they get larger.

Feb 27, 2009
OK i have not tried this, but rather than getting fish from a LFS, some people report having a better survival rate from buying fish online, either from specific websites or breeders of the particular fish youre looking for.
Except for the otos I have, all my fish have been online purchases. No one had what I wanted and the two 'mom/pop' stores locally didn't seem to want to special order them from their wholesaler.

I've never had a fish arrive in bad shape either. All did well for me, and all spawned within a few months, so I guess they were happy :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
rdartua, you've gotten some good advice above. However, you made a few mistakes the first time around. Namely adding "colonize" and trying to treat ich with salt. Take the time to read through the link below in my signature on cycling a tank and treating sick fish. Fishlessly cycling a tank is a great science lesson for kids and very simple for them to help with, it also teaches patience. Don't get discouraged, just make sure you read up on how to make it successful the next time around.