New 20 Gallon Hex!!!!


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2006
My girlfriend's parents know how much I love tanks and have known that I wanted to step up from my 5 gallon hex. Well they picked me up a 20 gallon hex at a garage sell for $10. The only problem is it aparently came as a kit so it is set up to be a certain way but the old way is way to outdated. There is some major work ahead. Any way I was lookin in to the things I need and I think I can salvage the hood but I will need a filtration and heating system. I am looking at Top Fin Power Filter 30 or the Emperor Power Filter 280 for filtration. And for heating I am looking at Rena Cal Top Light Excel 100 Watt Heater or a Marineland® Visi-Therm® Stealth Submersible Aquarium Heaters 100 watt. I also want to put two dwarf gourami's and maybe two khuli loaches for the bottom but as far as that I am open to suggestions. I would like some schooling fish. I love my black neon tetras in my five gallon hex but want to go with something new. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Also does any one have a link to the site where they show you different ways to set up fish. Thanks.


Medium Fish
Jun 20, 2005
Southeastern Michigan


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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Hexes can be tricky to stock (and aquascape) due to their low surface area to height ratio. A dwarf gourami or pair would be a good fit since they will use the entire tank and you may wish to consider some harlequin rasboras (Froggy's fav! ;) ) or, perhaps, some cherry barbs or other smaller, more mellow barbs. Some small, milder tetras (i.e., lemons, ember, blue, glowlight) or, if you're not absolutely set on schooling fish, livebearers (Endlers, gups, platies) would also be a consideration. The kuhlis will also be good fish, tho you may wish to get at least 3.

My 20 hex came with the undergravel filter, which I trashed, and a hood/light set up. (it was free on the side of the road!) One problem I ran into with mine was fitting a filter in the available slot without cutting it. When I was using it on this tank, my Aquaclear 50 was really wedged in! LOL! I currently have a Whisper 40i on it with a mob of sunset variatus platies and miscellaneous plants that didn't have homes. It's main use is as my qt tank.


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2006
Seleya said:
Hexes can be tricky to stock (and aquascape) due to their low surface area to height ratio. A dwarf gourami or pair would be a good fit since they will use the entire tank and you may wish to consider some harlequin rasboras (Froggy's fav! ;) ) or, perhaps, some cherry barbs or other smaller, more mellow barbs. Some small, milder tetras (i.e., lemons, ember, blue, glowlight) or, if you're not absolutely set on schooling fish, livebearers (Endlers, gups, platies) would also be a consideration. The kuhlis will also be good fish, tho you may wish to get at least 3.

My 20 hex came with the undergravel filter, which I trashed, and a hood/light set up. (it was free on the side of the road!) One problem I ran into with mine was fitting a filter in the available slot without cutting it. When I was using it on this tank, my Aquaclear 50 was really wedged in! LOL! I currently have a Whisper 40i on it with a mob of sunset variatus platies and miscellaneous plants that didn't have homes. It's main use is as my qt tank.
That is what mine came with too the undergravel filtration. Does the Whisper 40i fit in there fairly well because I don't want to cut if I don't have too. Also, I am thinking of going with two dwarf gouramis, three kuhlis and 7 or so small tetras. I don't think this will be overstocked but what do you think. The only reason for the 7 small tetras is because I know they school better in this group or a larger one.


Superstar Fish
Nov 22, 2004
Cape Cod, MA
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The 40i works great -- it's an in-tank filter but doesn't take up too much room and you just put it in before putting the hood on. You can change the media with the hood on, however. A smaller Aquaclear might work in the available slot but the 50 (actually, I believe it may have been the 70 -- measure the slot and the filters before you buy) sure was a tight fit and a submersible heater is a whole lot easier than squeezing one in as well. (yes, I don't like cutting beyond the guides either) I don't think a suitably powered Whisper will fit but don't remember ever trying.

When I used it just as a stocked tank, I found some interesting driftwood to angle up the tank and planted some val in a couple spots in the back (to hide the equipment and provide a backdrop).

Your stocking idea sounds good. It depends in part on which tetra species you choose as to how many you can have. It should be really stunning.


Medium Fish
Mar 19, 2006
That doesn't sound overstocked to me. Make sure to add the gouramis at the same time, and the same size, or else they might fight.

I plan on adding the gouramis at the same time and last. Also, thanks to everyone for the help. I am still doin my research and will keep you posted.