New 20 gallon tank


New Fish
Sep 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Recently upgraded from a 10 to a 20 gallon fish tank. Im unsure of how many fish I can put in there. I know theres the 1 inch per gallon rule of thumb but I'd thought I'd ask people who know. Its been awhile since I've boughten fish so right now I only have 3.

Current fish:
2 Cory cats
1 red tetra of some sort(forget what its called exactly)

1 Mystery Snail
4 or 5 red tetras(same type I already have)
5 zebra danios

Is this too many fish, not enough of certain kinds or could I add more?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
You should be fine adding those fish to a 20g. I'd wait and make sure your tank is stable before adding more, but you do have room, IMO for a few more fish. You might want to consider adding a couple more cories, as they do like to school, and maybe a 'centrepiece fish', such as one dwarf gourami?


New Fish
Sep 5, 2011
Ontario, Canada
Alright, thanks for the advice. Im going to add some more cory cats. Im heading to the fish store this weekend so im going to have a look around and see whats theres. Its a fish specific store so im sure they can offer some good advice if I need it there. Might get a centerpiece fish or maybe 5 neon tetras instead.