new 20!


Small Fish
Apr 19, 2003
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Ya, just got a new 20 and I would like to put a peacock or tiretrack eel in eventually. What fish would be good to fill up the other levels of the tank that are good tempered?


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Any fish that won't fit in the eels' mouth?
From my understanding, both of these eels will eat small fish. In a 20g you will be limited with what you can put in there too as the eel will put out quite a bit of waste.....why not make it a species tank? Just keep the eel and maybe some apple snails for algae control and leave it at that? These fish can be very cool to keep and can be trained to take food from your fingers.
Offer them live feeders, ghost shrimp and if you can get them, some large earthworms. And don't forget, they like to bury themselves so having sand as your substrate will keep them happy and bruise free.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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If you had a larger tank, then you might be able to mix the species but in a 20g you will be maxed out with just one of these animals. And no, they don't like others of their own kind very well......

The biggest difference besides markings between the two eels is size. The tire track (which I think is better looking JMO) will get to be "about" 25" and the peacock "about" 15" or so. Before anyone gets the wrong idea, these animals are rather slow growing. In other words they won't reach their maximum length in a year or two. And also, even though they are long, their bodies are thin (compaired to their length) and very supple.

Other points; these fish will appreciate a hiding spot. A piece of PVC pipe will do nicely. No plants other than ones that can be attached to driftwood, rocks, fern and anubias will work. All other plants will be uprooted. And don't forget, eels are notorious escape artists. ALL openings must have a tight cover. You can also lower the water level in the tank slightly to help keep the eel in.