New 20g Cichlid Tank


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Lancaster, Pa
This will be my first Cichlid tank and second tank overall (other is a 29g Community w/ silk plants). I have a couple of questions / opinions.

I've narrowed it down to Blue Rams and Cockatoo Dwarf Cichlids. I want to get a male and female and was wondering if a 20g would be able to hold 2 Blue Rams and 2 Cockatoos ... or just go with one type of Cichlid.

I want to try and recreate a "natural habitat" for these fish so this will be my first planted tank. It's going to be based on an Amazon acid pool so I was wondering what other type of fish I should put in with the Cichlids (algae eaters, snails, etc). I always liked Ottos (and they are from Brazil), but don't know if they are a good choice with Cichlids. Also ... if it's best to only go with Blue Rams or the Cockatoos, what community fish would get along with them? Seems like my choices are a host of tetras, Beaconfish and Adolf's Corydora ... any other good choices?

If you have any suggestions / comments, I'd like to hear them. My goal is to make a nice home for the Cichlids. Many thanks! :D


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
Is this a 20High, or 20Long?

If its a high, then I would say your pushing it to get 2 breeding pairs living well in it. A 20long would deffintatly be better, but I still can't say for sure.

I've never breed either, so I don't know what there teritorial needs are. This is what's going to be a limiting factor for you.

If you could get something with a larger footprint, then I would almost say for certian that you could. Plus a bigger tank meens for fish, and a more stable tank.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I think you are right. It may work for a while, and it may work for years, but it wound't take much to throw off the balance and have a fight on your hands. In a 20 high, I think you would be best to stick with one or the other.

If it were me, I would go with the apisto's as I've never even kept them before.

You would be hard pressed to get any bottom dwellers to go along with either, but I think you would have more luck if you kept the apisto's over the rams. I don't belive they are quite as aggresive when it comes to defending teritory.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I'd go with one or the other. Personally i'd go the Apisto route (i plan to acctually ;)). I personally havn't had much luck with otos and don't find them cool enough to keep....but thats my take on them. I'm sure a few could work. I'd look into a few Cardinal tetras too. However being the cichlid keeper i am, i would keep only the pair of apistos in the tank by themselves.

I've always heard apistos are a little more territorial, but you know how different reports can be....