New 29 GAL Reef: Lighting


Small Fish
Jul 17, 2009
Glen Burnie, MD
Morning all...:)

I have a 29 gal (regular rectangular style tank as opposed to an all-in-one type) finally aquascaped and the 45ish lbs of liverock has been curing about, oh, 17 days now. When I tested a week ago, ammonia was reading 1 and nitrites 1. Last night, ammonia and nitrites tested out at 0. I am not celebrating just yet since I know readings can fluctuate...17 days just doesn't seem to be enough time for a cycle.

I am currently running a simple twin tube flourescent since lighting isn't a variable just yet, but, am starting the confusing journey into getting lighting set up for the final set-up.

I have found two is a 150W Current Sunpod HQI MH, the other is an AquaticLife Compact Flourescent (total of 130W). Now, I do have a glass cover as I have fish savvy cats in the house who like to sleep on top of the tank. Going on that, a cover is mandatory. I was told, however, that a glass cover could possibly mess with the pH.

Now, I realize that in a reef system, wattage and light output requirements are mainly dependent on the requirements of the corals. As I am a rank beginner in all this, short of a LOT of reading and dreaming, I do not plan on stocking any type of coral that needs 24/7 monitoring. Fish will be at a minimum..I think a 29 is limited to about 4 small to medium sized fish. I am looking at a yellow clown goby, a blenny of some sort, a green chromis and a Firefish or cardinal. I plan on a few peppermint shrimp, hermit crabs and snails depending on compatability with the corals.

On that note, and understanding the more wattage the better, can I get away with the 130 flourescent or should I stick with the 150W MH?

Will a glass cover make that much of a difference either in pH, which would obviously affect the corals and any fish, possibly, or in the light penetration (I am thinking reflection).




Large Fish
Mar 1, 2006
Oneida, NY
I have the same size tank as you. I started with a 30" Coralife Deluxe Lunar System. 130 watt total. I did well with that light crowing Zoas, Xenia, Shrooms, etc. About a year ago I upgraded to the 30" Sundial T5's. So far that has worked will with some LPS corals (Brain, Candy Cane, etc.). If you are going to stay with soft corals, polyps, mushrooms, I think you are OK with 130W PC. If you want more than that, I would go with T5's.

I actually still have my 130W unit. Been meaning to sell it but have been too lazy to list it anywhere. If you are interested, PM me.


Small Fish
Jul 17, 2009
Glen Burnie, MD
Hi Rush :)

I think I have pretty much decided to go with the 130, one reason of which is that I am a little afraid of the heat generated by the metal halide. Due to my work hours, tank lights would be on without me being home for about 4 hours each day.

In the research on corals, I am going to avoid the hard corals for now. I am rank new, more or less, on full reefs though I have had some soft corals with fish and liverock in the past that did well.

I would take you up on the offer of the light, but, the tank I have is only 24 inches long.

I appreciate the advice :)



Large Fish
Sep 9, 2007
sunnyside of california
i had a dual satalite compact flourecent over my 29 gallon at one point and did real well with it. i kept alot of soft coral and was able to keep a couple lps nice and healthy as well.
i would defenitly look into t-5's as they can put out a more intense light spectrum, keep more of a variety of corals and they dont heat up like metal halides.


Elite Fish
Feb 20, 2005
ft. lauderdale
i had success in the past with 2x65w pc's over a 30g tank.... with that said everything didnt actually take off and start growing like weeds until i got mh' ever for your situation i suggest going with T5 so that heat isnt an issue but you wont be limited in the future may u decide to want more advancd corals (and you want them trust me) one thing ive learned in this hobby is if you go with something just because its cheap your guna end up needing to upgrade in the future but if you spend the few extra bucks now youll save ALOT of $$$ in the long run