Yesterday I finally got a bigger tank. A 29g! I know there have been millions of stocking questions for 30g size tanks but I ALMOST know everything I want. It has a penguin filter with bio-wheel for filtration and a single 20 watt(I think) tube . Not very much light. Ohh well.
For fish I was thinking of putting my two pristellas and two bloodfins from my ten gallon in it and then getting a few more. I have always wanted angelfish so the best number of them would be 1 for my size tank right? My only question is bottom feeders. What would be best. A small school of cories? Something else? Here is a list of the fish:
1 Angelfish
4-5 Pristellas
4-5 Bloodfin Tetras
3 Cories (different bottom feeder?)
Does this sound Okay? The tank will have some live and some plastic plants with a piece of wood in the middle. Any other suggestions for fish would be appreciated.
For fish I was thinking of putting my two pristellas and two bloodfins from my ten gallon in it and then getting a few more. I have always wanted angelfish so the best number of them would be 1 for my size tank right? My only question is bottom feeders. What would be best. A small school of cories? Something else? Here is a list of the fish:
1 Angelfish
4-5 Pristellas
4-5 Bloodfin Tetras
3 Cories (different bottom feeder?)
Does this sound Okay? The tank will have some live and some plastic plants with a piece of wood in the middle. Any other suggestions for fish would be appreciated.