New 29G Fish Only Tank!!


Medium Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Saint Louis
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I was gonna start with a 10g for my first saltwater tank, but I think I am gonna use my 29g instead. I will be using an Eheim Pro Filter rated for up to a 60g tank, Ebo Jagger heater, but I am not sure what kind of protein skimmer to buy? Also, with the 10g tank I was planning on getting a mated pair of clowns, but now that I have decided to change to my 29g, what kind of fish can I put in there besides the clowns? I don't want the fish to outgrow the tank, so I am guessing smaller fish, but I have no clue what will work with the clowns. Any suggestions are welcome. As I said, I am new and have been doing a lot of reading, but still need a little help. Thanks in advance.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
could keep a blenny or gobie, perhaps a firefish, pajama cardinal, bangaii cardinal, there are really a lot of options just hunt around some

probably 5-6 fish max i would say depending on what they are....i would consider a HOB skimmer, probably the remora by Aqua C from what i hear it is the best on the market
