My severum is tough i have two of them and the one in my temporary setup twenty gallon is bad to the bone. I Love severums and for now there my fish of choice. They also have been called a true show fish, the severums do well with littler fish it seems they only eat real small guppy sized fish but dont even think of eating my tiger barb. Anyways you should do some rocks in there I like to get two rounder rocks and put some slate on it to make some caves.Also if you are cheap or saving money make a trip to your local un polluted river and pick up som rocks or driftwood. If you do pick up rocks or driftwood make sure to read up on the important precautions and proper procedures to clean the new decorations properly before puttting them into the new tank,. Another thing is the severum gets big realistically around 5-8 inches and I think for bioload purposes when the severum is full grown he would need to be the only fish or your going to have real high maintenance. I also like your filter ive never seen that brand were did you get it.