just finished setting up my new 30 gallon took me about 20 minutes to setup and move fish and all i think i set a new time record, ill list what i did, not the best way to do it but we'll see if anything spikes, this was an upgrade from my 20 gallno so everything was moved to the new one, also no real plants only fake
0. unplug heater a while before you begin to be safe
1. put all fish and fake plants in a 5 gallon bucket with the filter and water from the aquarium
2. took rocks out and put them in 30 gallon
3. vacuumed gravel in the 20 gallon
4. removed all gravel and put it in 30 gallon
5. added another 10 pounds of new cleaned gravel
6. filled 30 gallon with dechlorinated water up to where there was only 5 gallons left
7. dumped bucket of fish and plants in (yes dumped, infact my killie kinda flew out of the bucket on a jump and almost went right out of the tank)
8. hooked filter from old tank up to 30 gallon and heater
9. hooked up new emperor 280 and took 2 established filter cartridges from 55 gallon emperor 400 to fill it up
water is just a tiny bit cloudy and clearing up fast, all fish seem happy angelfish and congo tetra are much happier and are swimming around enjoying the new tank as opposed to sitting in a corner as in the 20
just finished setting up my new 30 gallon took me about 20 minutes to setup and move fish and all i think i set a new time record, ill list what i did, not the best way to do it but we'll see if anything spikes, this was an upgrade from my 20 gallno so everything was moved to the new one, also no real plants only fake
0. unplug heater a while before you begin to be safe
1. put all fish and fake plants in a 5 gallon bucket with the filter and water from the aquarium
2. took rocks out and put them in 30 gallon
3. vacuumed gravel in the 20 gallon
4. removed all gravel and put it in 30 gallon
5. added another 10 pounds of new cleaned gravel
6. filled 30 gallon with dechlorinated water up to where there was only 5 gallons left
7. dumped bucket of fish and plants in (yes dumped, infact my killie kinda flew out of the bucket on a jump and almost went right out of the tank)
8. hooked filter from old tank up to 30 gallon and heater
9. hooked up new emperor 280 and took 2 established filter cartridges from 55 gallon emperor 400 to fill it up
water is just a tiny bit cloudy and clearing up fast, all fish seem happy angelfish and congo tetra are much happier and are swimming around enjoying the new tank as opposed to sitting in a corner as in the 20