New 44 Gallon Ideas

Oct 22, 2002
I finally just upgraded from a 10 gallon to a 44 gallon tank. I am obviously very excited but not I have the fish keeper's equivalent of writers block.

The only certainty about the tank so far is that I will be moving my red tailed black shark as well as 5 cories into the new tank. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to populate the rest of the tank?

I've never kept Chiclids before and thought that might be a possibility or maybe balas? I know they (the balas) get very big and don't want to start a riot here so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
You are right, re: bala sharks. Gouramis could do well, cichlids too but probably not with the corys. Take a walk around your LFS, talk to them, see what you like, and then come back and ask us, then we can get a better idea of what would really work

A lot of people say that LFS's have no clue, sometimes they don't, but sometimes they actually help you and are good! like my lfs. it's great.