New 55g stockign suggestions


Large Fish
Jun 21, 2008
I was at petco and they had a 55g and pine stand for 50% off. Got them both for $125 (stand matches my 10g, 20g and 40g stands).

All my Blue Rams died and I have 1 Bolivian Ram left in my 40g with with a bunch of tetras and cories. I also had a sucessfal spawn of cories hatch and survive and have about 40 3 month old baby cories spread around in varius 10 and 20g tanks but they have all reached their capacity so it is time to move the cories to the bigger tank. I tried to put one of the cories in the 40g, but the Bolvian tried to eat him.

I want to put the Bolivian in the 55g and get more Blue rams. Would Angles also be good tankmates? What about a Firemouth, I know they get up to 6 inches but are supposed to be relatively peaceful.

Any other stockign suggestiosn would be appreciated.