About 7 weeks ago I bought a 75 gallon tank and set it up with substrate, sand and live plants. I also picked up a cascade 1000 canister filter and a whisper 40 hanging filter. Once the tank was cycled I slowly added 12 neon tetras, one dwarf gourami, one amano shrimp, 5 cory catfish and one clown pleco. The tank originally came with a weak T9 single bulb that I attempted to grow the plants with but after the plants started to look brown and unhealthy I replaced the light with a High output dual T5 fixture. The fish seem to be healthy but I am now seeing loads of brown algae covering the plants, filters and decorations. Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong or solutions to the algae? I was told that the brown diatom algae thrives in low light but my current lighting should be plenty bright.