New 75G Tank - Looking for Ideas


Medium Fish
Mar 9, 2003
Arlington, MA
Visit site
I just picked up a used 75G tank w/ stand, and the fellow threw in a 'may work, may need some work' Fluval 403.

I'm planning on using it as a large planted freshwater community tank in the long run, although it may be used in the short term to help with some Convicts (anyone want a couple?)

I'm planning on a combination of sand and gravel substrate, with something mixed with the sand for the plants, but I'm not sure what to use for the something (suggestions welcome!)

What should I be headed towards for fish in this tank? I'm completely open for ideas, the only thing I know is I want to toss 1-2 small plecos in, along with a nice school of zebra danios.


Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
You can always go for a Amazon Tank! I love Amazon tanks, the peacfulness of them no offence to all you african cichlid lovers but they are just to aggressive for me.

So get yourself a big peace of driftwood looking like accending tree roots, some Sword plants and the like. For fish you could have Angels, Discus, neons or cardinal tetras, black phatom tetras if you want, then a nice size shoal of corys for the bottom and top it off with Marble or Silver Hatchets for the serface.

As for the plant substrate. If you have the money Florite is the best, you could also use laterite mixed in the bottom for a cheaper solution.


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Well the tank sounds like it will be great. I love planted tanks there so cool. Anyways for that fluval, I would still probably get a new filter but thats totally up to you if you dont like the performance of the fluval. Then for fish, the zebra danio school would be alright even though I dont like them that much anymore.

I would go with a nice sized scool of cardinal tetras, they would look great in a densly planted tank.
Then a school of corys, any species you prefer.
Your 1-2 small plecos that will grow big.
A tiny school of Lemon tetras.
2 Kribs, male and female.
Maybe a few guppies or platys if you choose.

I dont no whatever you feel. But with a tank that size i would go with a bunch of different kinds of fish so you can keep your company busy by all the different variety of fish.

Well tell us what you decide. Good luck!!

- depthC


Medium Fish
Mar 9, 2003
Arlington, MA
Visit site
Fluval -> Big problems....

I think I'm actually missing pieces from what I can tell from the docs I found online. As well, the impeller doesn't want to stay spinning, as it keeps freezing. Oh well. Any recommendations for a decent filter that won't break the bank for the 75? (I'll consider getting two smaller ones over one big one as well)