New Additions to my 45g .. 2 q's ?


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Well since one of my harlequins died and I planned on getting more i got 2 more harlequins. I would of got more but they only had 2 at petco. I also got 2 Black Phantoms just because they were in the tank with the 2 harlequins. So i emptied one tank at petco getting 2 harlequins and 2 black phantoms. Then i also got 2 ottos.

So my new additions are :
2 Harlequins
2 Black Phantoms
2 Otto's

My questions are :
1} One of the black phantoms has 3 red fins. The two parralel ones on bottom middle, and the little nick of one between the tail and top fin. Sorry i dont the correct fin names but what does this mean? That it is a mix of a black phantom and a red phantom?

2}The two ottos seem kinda shy. Are they real sensitive to diff water conditions or will they soon adapt to the tank and open up?

Thanks a ton.

- depthC


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Not sure about the first question but the second i know for sure. Oto's need a very estiblished aquarium to live. Oto's need a tank with plants and one that has some algae.

Many people wonder why their oto's die but they fail to research their needs. I have had many oto's over the years and only lost 1 due to a mysterious death and i never found his body...

Oto's like driftwood and many plants along with very nice water levels so if you cant supply it dont buy it but in your case all you can do is hope they live i guess. I dont know your setup so i cant say much but next time i think you and everyone who is going to a pet store should know what their after and shuld research any fish they plan to get before they go shoping!


Superstar Fish
Feb 24, 2003
Thanks for the some what negative post. And yes i know about this fish already I didnt buy it cluelessly. Yes i have many plants and with algea. I will also be adding driftwood when i finish boiling it enough. And my water conditions steady and obviously suitable for this fish. Also the tank is well established already.

- depthC


Large Fish
Jan 28, 2003
Louisville ky
Originally posted by depthC
Thanks for the some what negative post. And yes i know about this fish already I didnt buy it cluelessly. Yes i have many plants and with algea. I will also be adding driftwood when i finish boiling it enough. And my water conditions steady and obviously suitable for this fish. Also the tank is well established already.

- depthC
negative post?

I thought my post was pretty helpfull. You asked a question and i answered it...

A negative post would be something like WTF omg you dumb a$$ why did you buy the otos when you dont know anything about them stupid sh!t!!!

Thats more like negative to me.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Okay the third fin on your Phantom tetra is normal. Actually all your tetras should have it. Harliquins are Cyprinids unlike Tetras witch are Charicins. All Charicins have a third fin that sets them apart from other fish. My golds tetras have it (yet extremly small) and so does my silver dollar anf barracuda whitch are all Charicins.