New additions w/ pics!!!


Large Fish
Jan 29, 2006
well, today I got my first taste of the cichlid world, and I'm already loving it! :D I visited my LFS today to trade in all the fry, and I picked up these beauties. I got 2 transcriptus, and 1 F1 calvus (only one they had). For the first few hours, they hid in the rocks, but then about 20 minutes ago they came out and started to play around, so I started snapping away! Enjoy *twirlysmi

Ain't he good lookin'?

Transcriptus playin around in the shells

the bigger one (I'm starting to guess a male) showing off his colors

I picked these guys (transcriptus) out for a reason, because I think they are a pair. At the lfs, they stuck close to each other in the tank, and kinda held their own corner. But, I will wait and see what happens.

And I also have a question, what does "F0" and "F1" mean?


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
Very nice!
The F of a fish indicates how many times they have been inbred. F0 being wild. F1 being the fry of 2 separate gen pools. F2s would then be the children of the children, then F3 would be the children of those children. on and so forth. You can normally go to F6 without having too much of a problem with deformities. After that the fish really start to show they were inbred.

Vert nice fish. I may be interested if you ever have fry.

Likes: tubbs24
They look like very nice and very happy fish!
I would however question the identity of that "male" J. transcriptus. True J. transcriptus should not have any markings on the face under the second bar.
The so-called J. "transcriptus" from Gombi/Gombe is actually a dwarf variant of J. marlieri, who does have markings on the cheek under the second bar.
The female does look like a transcriptus although if these fish were from the same "batch" or "brood" I would suspect hybridization.