New Additions

New additions today :) (two of each)

I got two Bamboo shrimp and two Pinocchio shrimp. I've had some Pinocchio shrimp before and I absolutely love them. I know they can be a bit more aggressive than regular shrimp, but I never had any issues and most are about the same size as the Pinocchio so I think that's why it is fine.

The Bamboo shrimp are absolutely wonderful. I have my spray bar spraying on the lower half and mid-range of the tank where they can sit on top of some of the large plant areas and eat properly. I know they use their "fans" in order to catch leftover food or microorganisms from the current, like filters :)

They're wonderful, here are some photos:



Large Fish
Jun 27, 2009
Kalamazoo, MI
Nice photos, I love Bamboo shrimp. I used to have one in my 10G tank. He didn't survive the move from my apartment back to my house though :( I'm thinking about getting shrimp again. I still have a Ghost Shrimp in there that has managed to avoid being eaten. But, I haven't decided.

Nice photos, I love Bamboo shrimp. I used to have one in my 10G tank. He didn't survive the move from my apartment back to my house though :( I'm thinking about getting shrimp again. I still have a Ghost Shrimp in there that has managed to avoid being eaten. But, I haven't decided.
You should see my other photos, awful, I think I got super lucky LOL (probably because they sat still!) I saw some at one fish store here they called them "Singapore Shrimp" for 13 bucks a piece, but then found them as "Flower Shrimp" for 8 bucks a piece. So I gave in. I don't get why people can't just stick to one name! I'm just waiting for my Cherry Shrimp to breed and didn't plan on buying more shrimp but saw these two kinds and gave in. I also have some Amano, yellow, and ghost. I know you "shouldn't" keep yellow and cherry together because if they breed it's just an "ugly" brown, but whatever. I love shrimp! But boy, I never realized how expensive they are.

Shrimp are great you should definitely get some again :)


The larger bamboo shrimp is now bright red, it's really pretty. I managed to get a video (not the best quality) of the shrimp eating in the current, it's really fascinating to watch them filter it. The current is blowing from left to right. Also at the end I get a back view and try to show the smaller bamboo shrimp below the larger one.


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