New Adition..

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
well today was the big buy out of the bag sale at work 4 me. (wich I saw rocking crickit there) And I think he picked up a yellow tang. And I brung home a Wrass Dragon, and a Tang Naso. The fish are doing great and so is the tank ill have to post some pics for all you guys. I was telling Rocking crickit today, all of us salt water fish guys should get together(that live in cent cali)lol. well jsut wanted to share the good news(fish live in my tank)lol have a good day all*PEACE!*


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Hey, good for you. It's so exciting to see new fish swimming around. I'd love to go to a bag sale, but no one around here has one. Of course, I'm just about full as it is...

Not sure if you knew this, but...
From As the Dragon Wrasse matures it will eat crustaceans, snails, shrimp, starfish, smaller fish, worms, and other invertebrates. It also moves the corals and rearranges the rocks in the aquarium to find food. The aquarium should also have a tight-fitting lid to prevent it from jumping out. It also says they get up to a foot long.

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ahhhhhhhhh, lol. are you for real. well I have people at work that can take them out of my hands, but shoot. I love the dragin wrass. I hope it doesnt eat my snails and hermits, its like an 2-3 inches long right now. (a whole foot) holy crap that is way to big for a 60 hex. urrrr

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
ok, well i just looked these guys up and found out that both do get big :( but the dragon does not need that big of a tank. The web sight said min of 40 gal. but they are fairly small now and if they grow out I will jsut have to give them away. Im looking at this dragon right now and it has a big old peice of rock in its mouth, lol. thanks guy feel free to speak out and give me ideas about the fish...thanks

Jul 29, 2005
Sunny Cali & Rainy England
It was great to see you there Sean. Really nice to meet you. I think I forgot to say, my name is Michael *celebrate
Glad to hear you have some company for your crabs now. I wouldn't worry about not providing the minimum tank size. They'll do fine for a while and as you said, you have the perfect opportunity for exchanging them as and when the need arises.
I decided not to get that yellow tang in the end. I figured I could find one cheaper elsewhere, dispite the sale and the lack of HLLE.
I grabbed a gorgeous red coris/clown wrasse instead. He's beautiful. I can't belive noone else had snagged him up. His colours are spectacular. Bright orange, yellow, red, green, deep sea and electric blue.
He has settled in well, is bright and active and is feeding. I was concerned the first night when the lights went out and I found my monster arrow crab stalking over him, (have lost 3 sleeping engineer gobies to him) so I decided to move the crab to my sump. The wrasse is now burying himself at night so I'm hoping he's gonna continue to do so so that it might be safe to put the crab back in the main display. Hope so.


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
Naso will eventually need a bigger should be fine with the dragon wrasse i know a few people who have them in reef tanks w/crabs and small fish.