New africans

Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
Hey guys, here's my new african-american cichlids (they have ancestors from africa, but they were born in america)

Sorry about the quality, my tanks and my computer are currently at 2 houses, so I only got to shoot 1 "roll" last night, and these are the best out of those pics.

Cyphotilapia sp. "North" (I'm thinking Kavala?)

picked him up at the LFS for $30 3 days ago =)

Haplochromis sp. "Thick Skin" (Hap. 44)

Ordered from

Fossorochromis rostratus (Malawi Sand Diver)

Also from . I really can't wait to see this one mature =D

So I'm going with a mixed african setup for my 80 gallon. Future plans include some mbuna (salousi, polit, maybe some L. caeruleus), some protomelas and/or peacocks, white calvus, and if I can find them, Neolamprologus toae. Also a school of Syno. multipunctatus.

I got the new world cichlids that used to live in there for trade if you live in the northwest. I'll post the link once I get those auctions up.

Last edited:
Oct 22, 2002
Bend, OR
I know you SPECIFICALLY asked Matt, but I can vouch for the Frontosa's sweet disposition. They really are pretty docile despite their huge adult size. It's tricky though, because if they can get a fish in their mouth, they'll eat it. But they won't beat up on tankmates or anything if they're not food. So eventually, my front will be able to eat the mbuna I plan to get. But not for a long while, as they're fairly slow growers once they hit 6" I'd say.

I think I could get rid of my Jewell, which I don't like that much anymore... And get rid of Severum (that will piss me off a little more) and then get 2 Saulosi's and 1 Front. If those Front's are so slow-growers, it leaves me plenty of time to keep it, grow it and later sell it when it's too big. I guess those must sell pretty high at 6 inches or more.


I just bought 2 Saulosi's and 1 good looking unidentified fish. I got rid of my Jewell, and ordered a Frontosa that should be at the LFS on friday. Can't wait to pick him up!

I also got rid of my Dwarf Puffer at the same time... The only reason I bought it at first was to save his life. He was at Wall-Mart and obviously nobody there knew how to take care of him. He was microscopic in size, and almost dead. Now, a few months later, he is about 1 inch long, healthier than ever, and ready for a new life hehee. :D

I'll post pics of my new fishes soon and hopefully my new Front by the week-end.



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Ah, those are different shots than the originals... I was wondering why you were apologizing for such awesome shots. Those are great looking fish. I'm going to need to get into cichlids at some point... some point when I've got money ;).