New Aquarium Idea


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2003
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Hey Folks!
Ive got a ten gallon setup going and I have an idea for a new one.
Due to limited cash flow (enough to get a few items or fish per week) i was thinking of this:

A 5 gallon setup. Sand substrate, heavily planted. No mechanical filtration besides plants and possibly snails or shrimp. Everything natural. Fish will be one or two dwarf freshwater puffers or a similarly small (and cute, my girlfriend loves cute fish) type of fish. Something that wont wreck an aquarium, and is sufficiently small to survive in my 5 gallon and not give off so muc waste it kills itself.

Any suggestions?

That's pretty cool, heavily planted with what kind of plants? U might want to do substrate, co2, and lighting better!!

Fish for the aquairum i'd recommend

1. 1 male betta & 3 amano shrimp

2. 2 dwarf puffers & 1 otoclinus

3. a trio of guppies, 1 otoclinus, & 2 cories

4. LOL i don't know what u want, but maybe these suggestions will help u figure out what u really want :)


Medium Fish
Mar 9, 2003
Arlington, MA
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Originally posted by Slacker
I wanted a beta but Im kind of drifting towards puffers. Livebearers maybe, but Convicts sound so cool..
I'm not so sure a Convict will be happy in there... I have one in a 10 gallon right now to get her away from several others, and she's not very happy at all... not enough space I think....

If u really want to!! I ofe dwarf puffers, but they need some care, make sure the aquairum is fully Cycled, planted well, with live or plastic, live better. DO NOT USE SNAILS AS THEY WILL BE ATTACKED!! Of course you need a heater and buy a Otoclinus for algae control, Oh and dwarf puffers need liv eor frozen brine shrimp they do not eat flake

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
Have you ever heard of Scarlet Badis's?? they are a newly discovered fish, some kind of dworf cichlid. They only grow to a about an inch. They might be hard to find but I for some at my petsmart for only 3.50!! Great little fellas with excellent coloring. YOu could fit a few in there.

Feb 2, 2003
North Dakota
No they are freshwater. And so small!! I only have one right now, a male I would like to get more but petsmart is 45min. away from my house and its hard to get there!

They coulden't tell me much about them but I did manage to get its scientific name.

There are others under the name badis badis I found on the net some cute blue guys. I haven't found them anywere around here though.

Oct 22, 2002
Elders Live Beares, get some on aquabid, they are smaller than guppies and have nice coloring.

I'd stay clear of Abercrombie6202s third recommendation 5 fish in that tank would be cluttered (not that it can't be done) I had 40-60 fish in a 10 gallon once and they lived in perfect harmony for well over a year till I tossed em:)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Hmm, just a couple cute fish, ehh.. What about like 1 blue ram? Or, the badis. Love them myself, Have 2 of them, cute lil succkers, do great in planted tanks. Unfortunitally,t here only relseasing the males to the public at this point, because the femlaes have NO color what so ever.. If anyone happens to see some around, I for one would be very interested in perhaps snagging a couple off of yeah.. Anyway, back to the point. 1-2 dwarf puffers won't look like much in a 5 gallon. Friend of mine has 3 in a 2 gallon, and it takes her forever to make sure there all live. There actually pretty boring little fish. As for feeding, add snails, its what they eat. They need the hard shell to keep there beak from growing to big. Kind of like a rodent. Keeping the tank within balance will be tough. You'll need a fair amount of light for starters, and that will cost you a bit. One 13 watt pc should be enough tho, if my math is as good as I think it is... I suggest getting some onyx sand as a substate. It looks good, and the plants love it. For co2, I suggest diy co2. There are about a million different recipees each one working with differnt leveles, all seeming to get the job done. Plants shoudl be pretty easy to get. Look around on different forums, and aquabid. Everyonce in a while you can get some good deals there. I buy a fair share of plants there, as the only decent petstore is 25 miles away, and I can't drive. HTH atleast a little, sorry I'm kind of random, just woke up...