new aquarium question

Oct 22, 2002
Last Saturday I helped my son set up a new 10 gallon aquarium.  It was an old tank, but clean.  We added 2 platys and 2 different types of tetras.  Everything was great..until this a.m.  When we went to feed them, we discovered that we are infected with what the fish store people called "ich"  I've been looking for info on it and it led me to this site.  Any suggestions?  We have lost 3 of the fish today!  My son, who is 5, is heartbroken.(he names the fish!)  The pet shop was kind of vauge in their suggestions.  We've started the treatment they sold us.  Should we just start over with a new tank?  the one we have is a hand me down, so I won't complain if I have to get a whole new one.  How can I clean it to be sure all the parasites are gone?  Is bleach safe?  Help!!  It's not looking good for our last little platy.  

Oct 22, 2002
Monroe North Carolina
I'm no expert, but that happened to my son and I when we set our 10 gal up a couple years ago.  Our tank was cycled, and we added about 6 neons to the mix.  Couple days later I noticed some small white patches on a few neons.  Bought the "ich guard" and followed directions.  We lost all the neons but everyone else survived.  No problems since.  Oh yeah, we bought the neons at a really good fish store.  Good Luck


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Your fish died because the tank didn't cycle yet.  The high levels of ammonia/nitrites from a newly set up tank probably stress it out and eventually killing them.

You can probably use the old tank too.  Just beware of some uninformed fishstore employees who want to sell you everything they have and make $$.  You have to read some of the articles about cycling and become informed so that you are not taken for a ride.