New at this...

A few months back I decided to start my own 10 gallon tank (my mom has a 45 gallon). Last Sunday I bought two balloon mollies and today while I was cleaning my tank I realised I had three babies in there. What do I do? I have taken them out and placed them in a 1.6 gallon starter tank from Wal*Mart, but I don't know what to do with them. Please help!


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
You should probably get some fry food really soon; feed finely crushed flake food till then. I think they need to eat really often, like four or five times a day. You will need to change the water a whole lot too. Did you use water from the 10gal to fill the 1.6? Does it have any kind of filtration? I'm pretty sure the water quality is very important. I say 'pretty sure' because I'm expecting my first batch of fry to be born soon (have two pg guppies).