New babies


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2012
So i got new baby convicts, what do i do too keep them alive in a hostle environment. The parents are juvies about 1.5 inches there are more fish in tank 2jack dempseys 4.5 and 1.5 inch 2 gsp 2.5 inch soon to be moved to brackish tank 1full grown convict and a 4inch flowerhorn. The little convicts seem to have all the other fish pinned to one side of the tank. 80-90gal 48x18x24dont know how much water is in it. Was told it was 90. i still consider my self a newb. I have never checked ph levels and that kinda stuff all fish look healthy and water is clear. Lol how do u post pics to this site?


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
wow! you have a lot going on in that tank. First thing you need to do it go out and buy a test kit (liquid is best, but strips will do in a pinch). How long have you had the tank running? Was it cycled? Did you purchase the baby convicts? I don't know much about cichlids and the more aggressive fish, but I'm pretty sure that the 2 JD's and the flowerhorn will not cohabitate well in that situation for long. JD's have a tendency to be very aggressive, and will bully each other and the other fish. I think you will need to re-home some of the fish, or expand to more then one (possibly 3) tanks... I hope someone with more experience jumps in here.
From experience at the nature center, a few of the convict fry will survive and thrive. they are tough little fish, but they can get very territorial in the tank, especially once they start breeding. Definitely get a test kit of some sort (the cost of the different kinds of strips you would have to buy often totals up to more then the cost of the liquid test kit, and the liquid test kit is more accurate). it doesn't matter what your stocking is if your water quality sucks, so you need to be able to check that. Then make sure you have plenty of hiding spots and visual barriers for all of the fish. make sure you have caves and such (can be elaborate store-bought stuff, or as simple as a NEW terracotta pot split in half and placed on the gravel so it makes a cave). Before you go setting up a brackish tank, do your research and get the things you need to keep this tank running healthy first.
Good luck.


Small Fish
Jun 20, 2012
ok i will,i had my friend set up my puffer tank and cycled it he has a few salt water tanks and will hel me convet that one as the puffers get bigger.
i had the tank for about a year now. i do regular water and filter changes. every wee or two. i moved the puffers because my oscar died after an accedentaly chomping on one of the puffers. i got the two juvie convicts and flowerhorn just after that because there was nothing in the tank big enought to eat them. the juvies had the babies about 2-3 months later. there are 22-26 little convicts now. and the three bigger ones. The dad ran the mom off wheni moved the tank to install hard wood floor. but he is doing a good job by himself. he and the babies have half the tank to them selves. the others stay from there area.

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