New betta in a 2.5

Feb 16, 2005
Hey guys, im newer to the boards... my first post. The question i have is that I have a red/black veiltail in a 2.5 gal tank with a african dwarf frog. I Bought both the betta gold bites, and the african dwarf frog sinking food from the fish store... great stock by the way, they have an awesome breeder and according to the guy they get tons of crowntails and delta tails in constantly... I fell in love with this ever so common veiltail though..
Well back to the food, I was reading the ingrediants and they were almost identical... so i basically just feed them both the ADF food, is this ok? I dont actually see the frog eating, but im assuming he is when he goes around the tank.. is this true?
and also the betta seems to like the front side of the tank... he is very active and enjoys flaring at the mirror on the side of the tank, but for the most part he spends his time looking out towards the front... does he just like my room or what?


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Depending on the individual betta, he might just be lazy. Different bettas have different temperments, some are very active, some more docile.

They should both do okay on the same food, but they will appreciate a different treat occasionally. Bettas and ADFs both like bloodworms and probably blackworms.

How long have you had them? If the tank's been set up a while with the two of them, then the frog must be eating or else he'd be dead. Does he look emaciated? If he looks good, then he's probably finding something. Just make sure the betta isn't being a hog and eating it all before any can fall.

Mar 11, 2003
Make sure you check that the percentages on the nutrition chart are the same. Bettas need at least 45% protein and some other specific amounts of other vitamins and minerals. I'm not sure if ADFs have the same nutritional needs as this...They both will enjoy freeze dried bloodworms though, my ADFs and bettas always went for these, and its fun to watch the ADFs float to the top of the water to eat them. Fish in general are healthier with a varied diet. For instance, I feed my bettas glass worms, flakes, pellets, FD bloodworms, FD shrimp, BBS, and grindal worms and they are healthier than any betta I've fed strictly pellets or flakes. They are also more active with brighter colors too.


Feb 16, 2005
Well they both have only been in the tank since friday, but the tank had been cycled and they both have been doing well... the ADF seems to look fine, i just never see him eat... I'll buy some blood worms and see how they like those... thanks for the help

Feb 16, 2005
Ok the weirdest thing just happened... it scared me to death... i got up to check henry, the ADF... And he was just floating on top of the water... Tina, my Betta was kinda nudging him, and he wasnt moving at all.... I was just like o crap right, he's dead. I know that the ADF's come to the top of the water, but i didnt think for that long... So i lifted the top off the tank and gave him a little tap with the net... didnt move... gave him a little harder tap... wiggled.... so i figured he was alive then. So i kinda just watched him and he stayed there for a minute more, then shot down to the bottom... definately scaring my betta... Im glad he's alright though.

Feb 16, 2005
Ok... he's done this whole chillin at the top of the tank thing a couple times... he always shoots back to the bottom with a little poke... is he alright?

Mar 11, 2003
Word of time instead of poking him when he floats, give him floating food. This is completely normal ADF behavior, and also how he will eat the bloodworms when you get them. Maybe he doesn't like the sinking pellets? Mine never did.


Feb 16, 2005
ya i definately wouldnt poke him again... I was just a little worried, being as the only things i've had in the past are fish and they dont generally float... I'll buy some bloodworms tomorrow and see how he takes a liking to them