
Large Fish
Jun 22, 2003
England - Sheffield
I say new betta.......ive had him bout 6 months or so i say new tank......ive had it about a year - but that was in my attic so i got it down a week or so ago had my betta in it doing fine. he has been moved from a jar in the pet shop to a 3 gallon 'tub' and now to this beautiful 12 gallon 5 star fish tank :D. theres diffwood in the tank aswell as 3 rocks in a cave set up thing and 10 plants. ive got a filter and a heater going too, temps fine keep at around 25oC. hes loving his new home and the lighting has really brought out his clolours again. he has started to admir himself and shape his fins from drooping to a half crown sort of style. he looks great.

my plans for the tank were 1 betta, 1 corydoras and 10 white cloud minnows. so i was out yesterday and saw a great 'schwartz's corydoras. he looks like a julil 1 but black instead of brown and a veritcal black line running though his eyes if u dont no wot 1 looks like. so i bought him and hes doing great too. but my betta has now got a big head and has become unsharing of his new tank, he seems to dislike the cory and whenever he seems him he attacks him. just chases him untill the cory has got away then same again when he nexts sees him.

what sud i do? in time do u think he will learn 2 live with the cory or will i have to take him out and leave the betta in the 12 gallon alone?


Small Fish
Mar 9, 2004
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I have 4 white clouds with my betta and two peppered cories in my 10 gallon. Planted tank and strong filter to help with bio-load.

I keep the temperature at 75 degrees, and they all seem happy.