New Betta Owner ?'s

Jun 18, 2004
Maine, USA
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I got a male betta and a female betta because the pet store personnell said it would be okay. He seemed like he knew what he talking about, although, now I guess I shouldn't have listened. I have a 5 gal. tank. Obviously they started to fight so I set up the divider I had. They're seperated now. How often do I change the water? once a week or twice? how often do I feed them? and also, the male it seems, bit off a few of her fins, will they grow back? will it hurt her? Any input would be great. I have pellets and blood worms.




Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
If the tank is filtered, you should change it at least once a week, although twice would be better. :)

I feed mine once or twice a day with a pellet or two. A betta's stomach is about as big as its eye, so keep that in mind. It's bad to overfeed them. A couple of bloodworms make a good treat.

Yes, the fins will grow back. You can add something called Melafix (or Bettafix) to the water to help the fins grow back faster.

And don't forget to do your research next time... a lot of people working in fish stores will tell you anything to get a sale, or have no idea and just guess. :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hi felis_filia & welcome to the tank!

Ya, its a common piece of bad advice a lot of fish store owners give out. Males most definately don't mix with females on a long term basis, that is, only to spawn, and only if they are ready.

Feed one small feeding per day (3 pellets), change the water once a week (in your 5 gallon, change 2 gallons or about 1/2 of a regular ice cream pail) - remember to dechlorinate the water :)

Her fins will grow back in a few months, no worries, unless it gets red, greyish (rotten) or cottony strands (fugus) form on it. This will not happen if the water is kept clean.

Good call on the divider, I use them and it works really well.


Jun 18, 2004
Maine, USA
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another quick question

i'm just curious. Iggy, do you sell your baby betta or do you keep them all?

they have spots, so i got ick cure by jungle. i read an earlier post to treat for one month? is that right? every day for a month or once a week? and i also read i should get a fungus cure too for after to prevent secondary infection. when should i do that?

and thanks for the quick replies!