??????????new betta question????????????????

Jun 22, 2003
NS, Canada
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It sure is! bettas have a special organ called a labyrinth, which allows them to breath air. In fact, I'm pretty sure they prefer to breathe air over O2 from water. The bubbles are normal too. He's making a bubble nest. When bettas mate, the male blows a bubble nest and when the female lays her eggs he places them in the nest until they hatch. Even though the males do this for mating, they still do it when females aren't around. I take it as a sign of maturity and health. :) You should definately read up on your new betta. Try www.bettasrus.com. That's a good place to start.

Mar 11, 2003
Yep, your betta behavior is normal, so you must be a good owner! A bubblenest= happy and healthy betta :). Here are some more sites to look up:




Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ducks said it right - bubble nests, completely normal. Bettas are 'top' feeder fish, they prefer to stay near the top.

Some tips:
- Bettas are not really flake eaters, get something called Hakari Bio-Gold (small brown/gold floating ball food). They can eat between 6 to 9 a day, give or take. This brand will float for quite some time, and reduce the amount of waste food loss (flakes piling up at the bottom) You can also use live or frozen foods like micro-worms. Bettas are meat-eats.

- These are tropical fish, dont let them get chilled at night. About 78 to 80F is preferred with no drastic changes.

Let us know what size of tank (inches or gallons preferred), so we can suggest a water change schedule that best fits.

If you have your betta in one of those Vase things (plant on top) get him into a proper tank right away, something like a 2gal acrylic tank or bigger. Vases setups will eventually kill the betta (any fish in fact)

These are great fish, but be sure to read-up on how to care for them.

Some links...

Oh, and welcome to the Tank!

Mar 11, 2003
Yes, Plants are a must in a community tank. Some silk plants have a chemical on them and should be rinsed and presoaked for 24hours prior to being placed in the tank. Silk is best for a beginner, it won't die on you and produce ammonia, and it won't rip your bettas fins like plastic. Try to vaccum the gravel and do a 3 gallon water exchange every 1-2 weeks. Also, your tetras are schooling fish and need at least 6 buddies to be happy. Try getting 3 or more after your tank is cycled (is it cycled already??).
