New Betta Tank?

Dec 14, 2011
I was at Walmart yesterday and saw this awesome little 1.8 gal. aquarium kit, and I decided that I had to have it. I was thinking about putting a couple of low light plants in there and (possibly) a small piece of driftwood, along with a betta.

What are your thoughts on this idea? Are the lights and the filter enough to support some plants and a fish?

Desktop & Nano Aquariums: Tetra Waterfall Globe Aquarium

Feb 27, 2009
With it being so small, it would not take a lot of light to grow low-light plants. I would stick with slow-growing plants though (Anubias sp. for example), as stem plants will need pruned fairly regularly.

A friend of mine's daughter has two of these in her dorm room, with a betta in one and cherry shrimp in the other. The betta has an Anubias plant and the shrimp have a small piece of artifical driftwood with Java moss growing around it.

Feb 27, 2009
Do you know if she has a heater in the one for the betta?
She has no heater in either, BUT, they sit on top of an old-style clunky TV in her dorm room, so it does provide some heat (even when not on, the TV stays warm). I would not recommend that for anyone with kids around (water and a TV??), but for her and her equally mature roommate in the dorm, it has worked out.

I've used this heater in small tanks with good success (hidden under the gravel): Aquarium Heaters & Water Temperature: Mini Aquarium Heaters

It doesn't have a way to set the temperature, it just raises it a few degrees over room temperature. If my room was 76, it would be 78-18. If it was 70, it was 72-74.

Dec 14, 2011
I was actually looking at that heater too, but I would probably keep it on the glass if possible, hidden behind a plant. I may end up having to get a more expensive one that keeps it a constant temperature though, because the temperature in my room is usually really cold, especially in the winter.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
My problem with the small tank (2.5 gallons) was no matter how I handled the lighting, it grew a lot of algae and was constantly in need of attention in order look like I even cared about it and with it being that small I made a big mess vacuuming it. I eventually gave up and got a bigger tank.