New Betta


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Today I went and picked up a new Betta . Here is a pic of him in his slightly modified home.

My girlfriend named him Oasis.
I know the pic is kinda crappy, but he is still a little on the antsy side since i just got him today and he was only in there maybe an hour when I took the pics.
He is in a little 2 gallon hex tank a friend gave me. I spray painted the back half of the tank black and siliconed all those rocks in place. I also had to move the location of the tube that holds the airstone to the back corner.It is siliconed into place as well.
I swapped out the crappy light that the kit came with for one of those compact sprial flourescents.The inside if the hood has been painted white too since I had to take out the little non shiney reflector to fit in the new light.
So yeah.. I guess i'm done.. haha just thought I would share. :)


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Thanks for all the compliments everyone :) I want to get him a little snail as a tankmate as well. I will probably go pick him up one either today or tommorrow.