New Betta


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
I didn't like the 7 gallon hex and wanted to switch back to the 5 gallon hex, and I really wanted to get a betta :) So my brother took my 6 male guppies and 2 cory cats to put in his 20 gallon since he just had a few neon tetras and a gourami. We stopped at Petco to look at their bettas, and I figured if I didn't find some I would at least get a few neon tetras so I wouldn't have a mini-cycle. I found a beautiful white betta that made a bubble nest while I was waiting in line to pay for him :)

He's almost all white with a little bit of red in his fins. I'll post pics of him in a little while, once he settles in. It's hard to find a white betta with a pretty face. Most of the white bettas have colored splotches on their face, but this ones face is all white.

I also got 4 neons and he has chased them a bit, but he hasn't flared at them so should I worry? He's checking out his new digs right now, and he seems to like the green hygro because he keeps resting on it. He's not quite used to the current :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Its funny how they color up when you get them into an environment that they like. He looked completely white in the store, in fact on the way home it took me awhile to find him because I was looking down on his bowl and he blended in with the white piece of paper it was sitting on :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
LOL, will do :)

Although he named the last betta that I had, and he doesn't know why I spend so much money on those stupid fish. See, he plays poker online, and the betta tank is on the computer desk. So after a few days of the betta trying to get his attention, he decided on a name for him :) And then he decided that the betta was pretty cool!


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Hubby's really going to kill me now :eek:

I bought the 7 gallon because the 5 gallon was a little too short. But the 7 gallon was a little too tall and looked awkward so we set the 5 gallon back up. Hubby just went outside to empty the 7 gallon, and realized that the 3" black bottom does come off, which we had tried to take off in the first place! So I think now the 7 gallon would be perfect because it is 3" shorter than it was :p betta and his buddies are getting some more swimming room this weekend :D I told him I would do all of the work, all he would have to do is carry the tanks, because I feel really bad :eek:

Do you think I will need something on the bottom? And if so, would an oto be ok? I read they do better in groups, so maybe I should get a shrimp or something small that can be alone. I've got some olive nerite snails coming, maybe that would work?


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
OK, I just switched tanks so now my betta is in the 7 gallon. He loves the extra swimming room up top, and the tank looks great without that big bottom piece. Here's a pic of him after I put him in his new tank, he's flaring but I have no idea what he is flaring at!

I also got 2 more neon tetras, so I have a total of 5 now (one died the first night). I'm thinking of getting something for the bottom but don't know of anything that will stay small and can live alone?

I'll post pics of the tank in a little bit, its right in front of a window so I can't get a good pic because the sun is shining. It's still a little cloudy too.

BTW, I got my first bubble nest this morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!